Pioneer VSX-LX55 & Sky HD Box


New member
Aug 10, 2019
I usually have no problems with setting up Recievers having owned 5, but this ones baffled me. Read all instructions but I can't get Dolby Digital through the reciever. I know HDMI only carries stereo from a Sky HD box so I've used Optical for 5.1. But I'm unable to asign this set up, I either get Sky in 5.1 with to picture or picture with no 5.1....can anyone help please?
hey bro

i had the same thing. make sure you follow ALL THREE of these steps and let me know if you're still having problems:

1) The SKY HD box does not output multi channel through the HDMI. An optical digital cable needs to be used as well as the HDMI connection.

2) In order to get surround sound from SKY HD you will need to assign both the HDMI and optical connection to a particular input of the AV receiver. eg TV/SAT (not from HDMI 1,2,,3 etc). To do this firstly switch off KURO link and then from the receivers Input assignment menu, select TV/SAT and designate which HDMI input and Optical connection you wish to use.

3) Then use the Signal Select button to select Digital (NOT automatic or HDMI).

NB: Please note not all SKY HD channels broadcast in 5.1 all the time.
Thanks so much rigors, I'd done everything else but not the Chanel Select asign to's all working perfectly now....much appreciated
Thanks guys, i was trying to solve the same issue.. all fixed now thanks.
Thanks for this I had the same problem and had done everything except the last point, which had been p**sing me off for almost a year now!