insider9 said:
Ellis, thanks for the great tip. I've abandoned mini itx build a while back as wasn't happy with psu options I found. I also ideally at that point wanted to fit my Xonar Essence STX which was challenging to say the least. Now I'm looking at external dac route anyway, this PICO psu looks great. I'm sure I can put a decent mini itx build and get a second hand M-Dac for less than £500. That should just about be much more flexible solution long term and likely to give me superior sound quality to the Pioneer amd the likes.
I originally was using an Asus Xonar ST card for a sound card of my audio pc - still use it in my office pc.
If you buy the right chassis like a hd plex or streacom - these are fanless with integrated cpu cooling you can use a riser card and the stx off the pcie lane and still have a silent low profile solution, or better get a
usb card like this, clean power for it, not mobo power and feed a usb dac like you said. BTW the stx will sound much better fed with a linear power supply but you need one with 12v and 5v more expensive
For a very well priced Linear Power Supply - see here - this came about as a result of me asking for Sean to build me a power supply to power a computer. I did all the testing and ideas, cost me a lot actually - other people can now get the benefit of that work. This works perfectly for an audio pc powering a pico supply, mine has been working perfectly for years now.
If you want to go straight atx and skip the pico
see here but you will need the right chassis to accomodate this supply by the looks it