Been doing a few stage by stage capacitor replacements and all was well up to today.
Schoolboy error, put one cap in the wrong way round. In my defence all the other channel specific capacitors are mirrored - except these two! Nevertheless, should have checked the PCB rather than using the other channel capacitor for reference.
Anyway, the result was at power on I got the usual red light, delay, then hear the relay switch as usual. Only this time it's closely followed by another relay like click... and then nothing.
Now when I switch it on (after swapping out the capacitor of course) I get the red light but no relay switching.... and no sound! Power is getting to the board and fuse is OK.
Anyone have any ideas what I may have done and what to look for to fix it? This amp has served me well for 25 years and I really don't want to write it off if possible.
Schoolboy error, put one cap in the wrong way round. In my defence all the other channel specific capacitors are mirrored - except these two! Nevertheless, should have checked the PCB rather than using the other channel capacitor for reference.
Anyway, the result was at power on I got the usual red light, delay, then hear the relay switch as usual. Only this time it's closely followed by another relay like click... and then nothing.
Now when I switch it on (after swapping out the capacitor of course) I get the red light but no relay switching.... and no sound! Power is getting to the board and fuse is OK.
Anyone have any ideas what I may have done and what to look for to fix it? This amp has served me well for 25 years and I really don't want to write it off if possible.