Pioneer 42X80D/Panasonic bluray sound issues


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Jul 30, 2008
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I have my Pioneer 4280XD connected to a Panasonic BDP30 Bluray player via HDMI, using the Pioneer's own speakers. When watching some DVDs, I have noticed the sound is sometimes out of sync with the picture (the soundtrack is slightly ahead). It is noticeable enough to be annoying, but it does not occur constantly, and tends to develop through the course of the film. Does anyone have any suggestions as to what might be causing this problem, and how I might rectify it? Many thanks for any suggestions.


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Dec 5, 2007
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Does it get worse as the film goes on? It sounds like it could be a framerate issue do do with the way the TV might be processing the picture or the way that the player is outputting. What are your Drive Mode and Pure Cinema settings for the tv and what are your output settings on your Panasonic deck?


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Jul 30, 2008
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Thanks for your rapid response. Yes, it does get worse as the film goes on. I can't recall the settings off hand, I will have to post them later if I can't rectify the problem. Do you have any suggestions as to the appropriate settings, or is it really just a case of trial and error?


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Jul 30, 2008
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On the TV, I have the Drive Mode set to 1, and the Pure Cinema set to Off (which it appears is the only available option for DVD playback). On the player, I have the component resolution set to 576p, 24p set to on, HDMI audio set to on, dynamic range compression and PCM down conversion both turned off, and the digital audio output set to bitstream for all options. Any ideas as to what might be the problem? I have tried altering a few settings, to no avail.


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Dec 5, 2007
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On the player, with 24p set to on, does the player force 25p to be played at 24. Have you tried switching it off just to see if it makes a difference. Also, is it possible to feed a 576i signal from the BD30 to the deck. Just wondering if there is an issue with the deinterlacer on the deck. At least we could eliminate a few more possibilities. Also, have you tried a different HDMI cable?


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Jul 30, 2008
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Thanks again - I am afraid I am new to the flatscreen/bluray world and the number of options/settings is bewildering - how do I tell whether 25p is being forced to play at 24p? I have tried switching it off, and changing a whole number of the settings on both the deck and the TV. I think it is possible to play at 576i (and it is definitely possible to play at 1080i), so will try that later. Interestingly, I tried a few other discs and the problem is not really apparent - it's only the 3:10 to Yuma DVD (where the problem is very apparent). Could it be the DVD? As a novice, I would consider it amazing that a new DVD could exhibit such a basic problem, but I may be wrong....


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Dec 5, 2007
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No problem. That's what these forums are for. I'm still convinced that it's most likely a settings issue but you can't completely rule out the DVD although it seems the least likely. I had a quick look on Amazon but no-one else has reported any technical problems with the disc.

OK, here's what I would do:

For DVD set your player output to 576i and 24fps to off. Set the sound output via HDMI to Linear PCM if you can. On the tv, leave it on Drive Mode 1 and try setting Pure Cinema to Standard. Try out a few DVDs and see what the results are. As long as you are keeping the settings the same each time, the results should not vary so we need to establish this first. Then with the same discs, set the player to output at 1080p (not 1080p24) and leave all other settings the same on the player. On the TV, set Pure Cinema to advance (do this before you switch on the player otherwise the option may be greyed out). See if there is a difference in the results.

Another tip is to check the Panasonic website. There may well have been a firmware update that could fix certain bugs with certain players. I'll check my settings tonight (I have the same tv) and see if there are any other settings that could be playing a part.


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Jul 30, 2008
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Okay, well last night I tried the tests suggested, and as odd as it seems, it does appear to be a problem specific to the DVD. All other DVDs I tried showed no problems at all, when using any of the settings on either the player or the TV, but the 3:10 to Yuma DVD exhibited the same problem in all setups. So it appears that the DVD is the problem - a friend is going to lend me their copy of the same DVD just to check, if there is no problems there I will return the DVD to the shop. Thanks for your suggestions, I am very pleased it does not appear to be a hardware problem, just a little mystifying how such an error could have occurred!


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