Speaker issues


Well-known member
May 16, 2020

I need some help. I have recently moved house and the new layout of my listening room is causing me problems.

My set up was a Rega Elex R, B+W706s2 and bluenode and turntable. I have now sold the speakers, they were too big and to be honest I want a speaker with a warmer sound and not bright.

The issue I now face is the speaker needs to sit on a dedicated and solid bookshelf, which would need to be close to the wall. In addition, I can't figure out how run the cable l, it is over 6 meters and hiding is going to be an issue.

I've been looking at the Proac Tablette 10, they are the right size and have a closed back. As a complete curve ball I'm also looking at a pair of 2nd hand Dynaudio Zeo 20 Wirless active speakers.

Does anyone have any experience with the proacs and are there any other small speakers which can be placed close to the wall? Also has anyone listened to the Dynaudio zeo 20s and could the active wireless route be something to explore? Any suggestions around decent speaker cable that can be easily tacked to skirting board.

I would really appreciate thoughts and ideas how to progress.

It is a small to medium size room, with a budget between 1 to 1.5k , new or 2nd hand.

Any chance of a picture or two? It’ll help set the scene.

There are various wall mountings available, and some brands, like Q Acoustic, sell ones specifically for their speakers. In my experience, almost any dedicated wall mounting is better than a shelf or bookcase (despite the 2023 obsession with sideboards!).

The Neat Iota is a good luxury choice for a wall because it’s teeny and has a swanky tweeter. I suspect you need a good dealer to let you experiment, and the ProAc might be fine. There are various mounts you can pop under speakers on a shelf, so you hear less shelf and more speaker. IsoAcoustics are a specialist here.

If you fancy wirelessly connecting then the KEF LSX is in budget, and used LS50 wireless are too - though I’d avoid the mark 1 as the newest model is much improved.
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Thanks all for your help, much appreciated. Since your Neat Iota recommendations, I've also been looking at the Neat SX3. I
can make the size work snd they look like they can be placed fairly close to the the wall. If anyone has any experience of these and if they are of a warm sound? Thanks again!!
LS50 wiresless 2's have a setting for near the wall but expensive and you woudnlt need your amp etc, i just sold mine for £1500 on ebay!! you could have had them!

for a smaller speaker close to a wall what about the Dali menuet

the review even says they work best near a wall

as far as hiding cables go ive ha d a lot of experience doing this, not sur eof you set up but taking off the skirting board which sound excessive is a good idea and then hide behind and caulk the top and repaint. if you have a pic I can maybe recommend a diff solution
For easy placement and a lovely balance sound Amphion Argon 1 are superb in that respect. They are a little bigger than you'd expect but placement is a doddle.
These are the Amphions I demoed alongside some Dalis. Amphions are wicked little speakers for the price. And they are cheaper than a new pair of SX3.


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