Pet Chew-Proof Speaker Wire Protection?


New member
Aug 10, 2019
I have quite a few speaker wires going aound my living room and was wondering if there are any products that can protect against a kitten chewing through them?

I've heard of a few products in the US such as 'Chewsafe' but I haven't seen any in the UK.

Any ideas?
I can vouch that Jack Russell puppies don't like mustard on cables! It worked for my old man with his dog...
I have a similar problem with my two parrots, who have the freedom of the house - lately they've been eyeing up the television as a perch!

Luckily, they're quite suspicious of anything brightly coloured, such as beach balls, and won't go near them. When I go out, I have to left a number of inflatables positioned strategically around the living room ...
ElectroMan:I have a similar problem with my two parrots, who have the freedom of the house - lately they've been eyeing up the television as a perch!

Luckily, they're quite suspicious of anything brightly coloured, such as beach balls, and won't go near them. When I go out, I have to left a number of inflatables positioned strategically around the living room ...

How random!! Heh - First laugh of the day!
"I have quite a few speaker wires going aound my living room and was wondering if there are any products that can protect against a kitten chewing through them?"
Vinegar for dogs, mostly used for keeping them from chewing the kitchen table legs. Cost me ?80 between a laptop power lead and ps3 lead for controller.
I have a similar problem with my two parrots, who have the freedom of the house - lately they've been eyeing up the television as a perch!

Luckily, they're quite suspicious of anything brightly coloured, such as beach balls, and won't go near them. When I go out, I have to left a number of inflatables positioned strategically around the living room ...

Reminds me of the old joke: Two parrots sitting on a perch. One says to the other "can you smell fish"?
Apparently Lion dung works quite well. Either that or you could put the cables under the carpet.
barnsleydave:Apparently Lion dung works quite well. Either that or you could put the cables under the carpet.

I will try and get hold of some lion dung from the local zoo then 🙂 Unfortunately I don't have carpet - its all wooden flooring.
Big Aura:

Jeyes fluid....

Or have a few electrified cables - they'll soon learn...

Is Jeyes just like washing up liquid? Might give that a try.

Not sure if I wan't to teach him via electric shock.. haha
You might try copper pipe insulation (from B&Q - 'natch - and no I don't work for them YET - although if the UK oil industry doesn't pick up soon....)

I mean the foam stuff that come in metre-ish lengths with a longitudinal split running down it. Slip the foam over the cables and hey presto!
I would say either the green reinforced garden hosepipe, or go to an aquatics store and get some of the clear plastic tubing used for pond pumps etc... Slide the cables through, and I can guarantee no moggy will get through it!

Maybe ask a couple of local pubs if they have any beerline tube knocking about in their cellar- that stuff if really tough.
Actually I don't know why I didnt think of this before. But have you considered D-Line trunking? I bought loads of the stuff but in the end only ended up using enough to hide the speaker going up the wall to the rear speakers. But I did use it to hide my in-laws speaker cables by affixing to the skirting board. Its neat and tidy and can be painted over. Make sure you buy a size big enough to accommodate your cable.

Oh and the lion dung would work. We had it recommended by a vet when we asked what would stop the rabbits eating the flowers. All animals hate it apparently but it stinks to high heaven


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