Rethep said:
DocG said:
Rethep said:
That all maybe true, but even my first, cheapest tube-amp (Audio Innovations) was far better than any ss-amp i have ever heard at home (borrowed) or in the shop. And there were many of them.
For the record, Rethep, I do understand your preference for valves. Still remember the first time I heard the UR Simply Italy. It's hard to describe what it did to the sound... It just made the music more musical (sounds like nonsense, but I can't describe it any better...)! What unsettled me though, was the heat it produced, and the need for maintenance and servicing.
Then, I heard the Devialet 110... And the rest is history!
Oh, finally someone who heard a good, though not powerful, tube-amp, and a new Devialet.
Can you tell me, as exactly as possible, what the difference sounds like ?
Does it really make you forget about all the aspects (subtlety, beautiful vocals, no ss-harshness, soundstage) of tube-sound ? I'm interested.
Well, actually in those days I was discovering the wonderful world of speakers. Eagerly trying out as many flavours as possible. So my first encounter with a valve amp was when listening to a pair of Magnepan 1.7s, driven by a Mastersound amplifier. The result was a real eye-opener (ear-opener?) -- which I at the time totally put down to the panel speakers, but the amp for sure had its share in the result too (as had the room!).
I auditioned the Simply Italy at a dealer's, in a purpose built auditorium, driving Focal 807Vs. It's been a while, but from memory, the sound was very palpable; it had some kind of intimacy, I had never heard before. A couple of weeks later, I returned with my good ol' Mission 760 SEs, and that combo worked very well too. I was about to buy the amp, but my wife thought it was a whim (which it probably was), and urged me to cool down a bit first.
And in that cool down period, I heard the Devialet D Premier (driving Harbeth Monitor 30s), which I was very disappointed about. I found another Devialet dealer within reach, and he had just laid his hands on a 110. So the next morning I was off to Antwerp to hear this amp. Demoed with B&W PM1 and MA GX 100. So different room and different speakers -- which makes the comparison a little difficult. But in short, I had this thunderstruck feeling again. Love at first sight! The Dev has a lot in common with a good valve amp: fluid, effortless, palpable (there is that word again!), solid sounds stage; but adds a huge power reserve, upgradeability, less fuss in maintenance... and that gorgeous remote, of course!
So after another cool down period (standard procedure at DocG's!), I ordered the 110 and never looked back. But I'm still intrigued by 'tube-friendly' speakers, which IMO might combine very well with the Devialet... AudioNote were a disappointment in that respect, but I'm interested to test my thesis again, with the Peithos...
Having said all that, I see myself buying a nice SET-amp in the future. Something to tinker with, just for the hobby. But not for daily use!
Rethep said:
Yours is what?