I have a 26 inch Panasonic Viera widescreen LCD but everytime I watch a movie the edges are cut off and I can't see any mode to watch it in a letter box format. Does anyone know how to get around this? Are other TVs able to show 21:9 films in letterbox format and also do projectors have this facility?
When you say 'watch a movie' do you mean on broadcast TV or on DVD/Blu-ray Disc?
Many TV channels use the process of 'panning and scanning' with anamorphic widescreen films in order to fill the entire screen, which results in the cropped edges you mention. The TV itself cannot undo this and restore the film to its original aspect ratio, so your best option is to set your Panny to '16:9' and live with it. Dedicated movie channels such as Sky Movies, on the other hand, usually feature films in their proper aspect ratio.
DVDs also usually feature the film in its original theatrical aspect ratio, and so you should again set your Panny to '16:9' in order to display it correctly. Avoid 'Zoom' settings, since they stretch and crop the image even more, and 'Auto' also sometimes defaults back to 'Zoom' to get rid of the black bars top and bottom.
All widescreen TVs, including your own, will be able to display a letterboxed image (with no cropping or stretching) - it just depends on the source of the film, whether it be broadcast TV or home video.