Panasonic Plasma 42pz or 42px


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Aug 10, 2019
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The TV i was thinking of buying was the 42PZ81B plasma with the built in Freesat even though i am getting Sky HD as it has an upgraded sund system, pic in pic mode etc.My father just installed the 37 PX model and what a great picture he gets with a freesat aerial and box, on the which site it is not very happy with the 81B model picture but states the PX model as very good. I thought the PZ model was supposed to be superior to the PX, does anyone else have a view on the 2 different models. A minor point but the other reason i was going to pick the PZ81B was because that model does not have the silver trim at the bottom and is all black, which i prefer a lot more.

Clare Newsome

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Jun 4, 2007
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All the 'Z' models are Full HD, whereas the 'X' models are HD Ready - the lower resolution of the X models means they'll be happier with standard-defintiion TV (which the vast bulk of Freesat remains), as they will have to upscale it less.

If you watch a lot of digital TV - especially lower bit-rate channels such as ITV 3 etc - you may be happier with one of the X models.

However, as you're getting Sky HD, i'd go for one of the Z range - and if you pick the 42PZ85, you get the same spec as the PZ81 for less money (minus the Freesat tuner you don't need).


Clare Newsome:


However, as you're getting Sky HD, i'd go for one of the Z range - and if you pick the 42PZ85, you get the same spec as the PZ81 for less money (minus the Freesat tuner you don't need).Not quite the same spec. Z85 doesnt have PIP nor does it play back video from SD card, and it has the same 3 HDMI as the 80, with one at the front (not the side) which seems to put some people off.

Z85 has more sound options (BBE HD3D, whatever that is).


One thing with the 85 is it has a silver strip on the bottom which i don't like, Comet do a 82 which i think is about the same as an 80 but is all black.


Does Sky/Sky HD send a better strength signal/picture than a freeview/freesat aerial?? i know what you mean Claire with some of these SD channels looking a bit bad on the 'Z' type TV, was like that on the TV in John Lewis. Can't make my mind up but i suppose it is not worth getting Sky HD unless i have a full HD TV.

Clare Newsome

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Jun 4, 2007
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Sky vs Freeview/Freesat signal strength will, of course, depend on what your dish/aerial is receiving.

And Sky HD will look perfectly fine on an HD Ready TV - its picture will simply be scaled to the set's 720p resolution, which many people feel is better than Sky's 1080i output anyway.


So would there be much difference when watching a DVD or Blueray through a PS3 if i go for the X over the Z?

Clare Newsome

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Jun 4, 2007
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Again, there are pros and cons to HD Ready compared to Full HD.

On the plus side, your standard-definition DVDs won't have to be upscaled as much, which means they could look better, with less chance of on-screen artefacts/noise due to upscaling.

On the downside, you won't see as much detail as your Blu-rays can deliver.


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