Update on the SA1's, bit of a long post, sorry!
Sold my VR1's, they are going next week.
The SA1's are not perfect but are overall better than the VR1's (to my ears!).
I can now listen to any song without wincing due to brightness, but the sparkle & life of the music is still there!
The detail & imaging are both better. A few instruments that where not there or very faint, being squeezed by the high frequencies, are now audible. Instruments are placed better, such as with orchestras, it is an orchestra not a mash of sounds.
Some songs that I would usually skip due to being fatiguing after about 5 second I can now listen to all the way through. Some recordings are very bright whatever I have heard them on, but I can now listen to them.
The VR1's where good speakers & I will miss them for some of there qualities.
But when you can't listen the 20%+ of your music you have to do something.
The only criticism I have with the SA1's, that I was expecting but hoping would not bother me, is the bass extension.
I have moved the speakers closer to the rear & side walls to try to reinforce the bass. This has helped a bit. The speakers are now 24cm from the rear wall & 47cm from the side. They are almost 200cm apart. I have toed them in about 40 degrees as the sound stage was overly wide.
I am glad I bought the SA1's, getting more enjoyment than from the VR1's but conscious that I have lost something in the transition.
I am thinking of upgrading/replacing my pre-amp. I briefly tried my NAD 1240 again but it is faulty, generating a constant white noise type of crackle, so promptly unplugged it! I am going to try and get it serviced.
I have looked for NAD & Rotel pre-amps suggested by Rick @ Musicraft but still none have come up!
There are some Quad 44 pre-amps for sale, one has been fully serviced. Would they be good enough? I've always fancied Quad as part of my system, almost bought them many moons ago instead of Cyrus!
I know I could keep what I have, especially as all my stereo kit matches & all the amps, pre & power have been serviced. I could get the A6 in the future but as said previously I have tried floor standers before in my room and they are WAY too bassy! Even with the VR1's, with the NAD 1240 pre-amp the bass shook the rooms downstairs at moderate volume!
Any suggestions?