Old amps


New member
Jul 22, 2009
Anyone out there still using old amps from Rotel, Nad, etc. How do they compare to modern amps? I managed to acquire a Rotel RB960BX power amp to add to my HT system. My multi-channel amp is the Marantz SR5600 and although it sounds fairly good with music, the Rotel seems to dig out more detail and creates a bigger soundstage. I am planning on getting a second Rotel and bridging them in mono mode. Any opinions on this?
i have the ra-820ax very good for the £30 i paid for it but probably betterd by new models from marantz cambridge and rotel rhemselves. its a great way to get a decent cheap setup tho. my rcd965bx cdp is fantastic and i picked it up for 99p just because the eject button fascia was missing. its in perfect working order.

I'm not familiar with the models you've mentioned, but older models still make a lot of sense. Although, you can maximise the sound quality and this depends on the partnering equipment. What speakers do you have or plan to buy?
have a pioneer A400 amp (£70)

a Marantz CD63 MKII signature CD player (£130)

B&W DM2 speakers (1st version-3 way transmission speakers) - £50

all bought off ebay within the past 3 weeks ...

waiting for my silver highbreed interconnects and silver high breed speaker cable ... so dont know the outcome yet, but hoping it sounds ok
I am currently running Monitor Audio S6's via Audioquest T4 speaker cable, which is also quite old. I have been told that the MA's need lots of power, preferably between 120 to 160 watts, so bridging the Rotels would be a good way to achieve this.
I recently purchased the Rotel '870 2-channel Pre-amplifier and 2-channel Power Amplifier combination.

For what I paid for the combination, I think that I did quite well.

My separate 2-channel system is far from ideal currently, but I am aware that this hobby is a never-ending quest, so I shan't be too worried!

Currently, my 2-channel system consists of:

Rotel '870 pre-amplifier

Rotel '870 power amplifier

Cyrus CD 8 SE CD Player with Cyrus PSX-R fully-regulated out-board power supply

B&W 685 loudspeakers on B&W FS700 loudspeaker stands



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