No sound coming from Fatman Itube Carbon 2


New member
Aug 10, 2019

new to this community and seeking some help.

Finally settled for the Fatman Itube Carbon2 as my new ipod dock. However after setting it up I can't get any sound from it. My speakers are connected properly and of course I did the trouble shooting written in the manual (which wasn't really helpful).

I'm using the following speakers:

Heco Victa 200

power-handling capacity 60/100W

Impendance 4-8 Ohms

Recommended amplifier output 20-100W

I can't find the mistake in the set up. So is there something wrong inside the amp or am I missing anything ?

Any help is much appreciated. It's driving me crazy.

Cheers from Germany,

The only thing that comes to mind is that maybe your ipod needs to be in airplane mode.
Also, we've a few "hifi" snobs in these parts, you may want to post your question in a more appropriate area of the forum.
few questions - are all the valves lit up?

Are you using the supplied speaker cable or your own - if own does your own have banana plugs fitted to them?

sometimes tubes work themselves lose in transit - with everything turned off and tubes cold carefully remove the cage, unplug and replug in - in terms of the speakers cables if using your own banana plugs for some reason i found mine very lose in the back of the fatman as though the holes were to big and not making a proper connection - simply bent out the inner pins so fitted snuggly problem solved - or it could have arrived broken
andrewknight:The only thing that comes to mind is that maybe your ipod needs to be in airplane mode.
Also, we've a few "hifi" snobs in these parts, you may want to post your question in a more appropriate area of the forum.

Thanks for your replies. I am using the Ipod Classic 160GB (forget to mention) and as far as I know there's no airplane mode.

thanks again. will try in the forum recommended.
few questions - are all the valves lit up?

Are you using the supplied speaker cable or your own - if own does your own have banana plugs fitted to them?

sometimes tubes work themselves lose in transit - with everything turned off and tubes cold carefully remove the cage, unplug and replug in - in terms of the speakers cables if using your own banana plugs for some reason i found mine very lose in the back of the fatman as though the holes were to big and not making a proper connection - simply bent out the inner pins so fitted snuggly problem solved - or it could have arrived broken


thanks for your answer.

Yes, the valves are all lit up.

I tried it with the supplied cable as well as with my own (did it with and without banana plugs).

Will probably try to unplug/replug the tubes, however they seem to fit very strongly and I don't want to damage them (as the amp is brand new) Will let you know if it worked out. Still prefer to exchange it for a new one. Will have to see what the manufacturer says on monday.

thanks again.
