I finally went out and got the Jamos and the Yamaha 467. Along with them I bought Qed (for xbox 360) 3m & 5m Hdmi cables (will these be ok for connecting to my ps3 and sky + hd?), cambridge audio 7.5m sub lead, Ixos 5m optical lead and 27m speaker (cambridge audio ultra micro).
I was about to set this all up last night to find, I need some screws to mount the speakers on the wall! 🙁 I will go out this morning and purchase some. The other thing I found was no instruction manual for the Jamos!! I will be calling the store about this.
I am a little confused in connecting the sub. I know I have to connect the sub lead to the left line in, but then there is speaker line in which has L & R, and also the - and +. According to the manual on Jamos website, (well the diagram shows) speaker line out from the receiver and the other ends into the sub? Do I need to do this or not? And if I do, which do I connect here? Also I will need to purchase more speaker wire if I need to use this.
I was thinking of positioning the sub next to the sofa on back wall (where the rears are) so it's out of the way.
Please someone help as I want to get it all up and running today.
Another question is, will the hdmi leads they sold me be ok as they say 1.3 on them? The one i'm using at the minute is a monster 2m cable which looks like has more pins in the connector (they same shape on the new ones).
Thanks guys