New standmounts upto approx £2k


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Hi All, I am looking into buying new standmount speakers for my cyrus kit. I love the spendor sound, but as I have had a tax rebate then why not spend the unexpected windfall. The speakers would need to be a smooth even handed presentation, be close to a back wall, so maybe not rear ported. Would like them to be no bigger than 35cm tall give or take a cm etc. Was going to look at dynaudio but they might not fit the bill because of rear ported etc. All ideas will be looked at. ATC are one of the best around but are damn ugly and I dont really want them in the bedroom. PS no floorstanders thanks, just not for me.
Probably the main ones I'd recommend would be the ProAc Response D2's. Even with our list of extensive speakers, most others won't work well against a wall. Even then, those that are designed to work close to a wall do like a little space to breathe...
IMO I'd be looking at the likes of the B&W 805's if you can find them at a reasonable price

From what I recall there's a pair on the Bay currently.
The proac's I was looking at but they are way to tall for the bedroom and would not be allowed past the door.

Went and heard the 805's but they to needed quite a bit of room behind them.

Maybe move to a new house ;-)
When I say right up against the wall, I meant they have about 10cm to the wall, which is very close indeed I know.
Man those tannoy speakers are butt ugly!! And the opera ones are below the standard of speakers I have now.

Would like a big step up in performance from what I have.

Just measured the s3e's and they are 34cm tall, so maybe the proac are not that much bigger at 43cm.
potboyslim:sonus faber sounds good, which one would you be thinking of?
The Minima Vintage. Just measured mine, they're 33cm tall. I've had them 10 cm from the rear wall, which is less than ideal, but they still sound pretty marvellous.
Tannoy Autograph Mini
Kef Reference 201
Sonus Faber Cremona Auditor M
Sonus Faber Toy
Sonus Faber Vintage Minima
Opera Classic Prima
Opera Classic Mezza
Opera Callas Diva
Opera Callas Mini
ProAc Tablette Reference 8 Signature
Easy. Wilson Benesch Square 1. Design to work against a back wall.

jules153:Easy. Wilson Benesch Square 1. Design to work against a back wall.jules.Jules, out of curiosity, how did you like their sound? I heard them with Naim gear and found them a touch too forward with the bass lacking a bit of control, but the latter could have been the Naim.
Heard the wilson benesch were slightly forward, and as I have cyrus kit, it could be not a good partnership. The sonus and proac are meant to be more even handed across the board. Are B&W 805s forward with cyrus?
You could try the Spendor SA1 to see whether you think the improvement is worth it. Problem is, most better stand mounters will be bigger. The Proac D1 is probably worth a punt. What about buying a decent sub?
igglebert:You could try the Spendor SA1 to see whether you think the improvement is worth it. Problem is, most better stand mounters will be bigger. The Proac D1 is probably worth a punt. What about buying a decent sub?

And I would have mentioned the 1SCs, except, like the D1s, they are rear-ported and therefore unlikely to work very well against a wall. (Just a guess, though.)

you may need to ask the question as to whether this is all worthwhile.

as mentioned to get any significant improvement from the spend may require larger standmounts and then taking account of the size restrictions and how close to the wall they need to be i am not convinced on the merits of the larger outlay.

i heard the proac 1sc and didnt percieve it as much better at all than the neat motive 3 i bought and which is in the spendor price range of what you currently own. the spendor sa1 sounds like an option but again may not improve on your sound unless you like their more unique presentation skills.

is there anything about the spendors you have that you really dont like ? as this may help shape your decision
As usual Crusaderlord, you make a good point!

Maybe a better amp, like a Leema Tucana will bring about worthwhile improvements if the upgrade is aiming for more of everything.
have a listen to some atcs, if you like the sound you might not be bothered about looks.

10 cms from the wall is pushing it though, mine sound best with 22cm.

you might be better off with something specifically meant to go on a wall.
Are you ruling out ATC just because they are ugly? I don't understand when you say you don't really want them in the bedroom.

Maybe you need to redefine your search criteria and exclude cost as the speakers you're likely to end up with will be in the £800 to £1200 bracket and if you keep the £2k figure in your head you might end up feeling you've somehow short changed yourself.

If you find speakers that tick the presentation/positioning/size/aesthetic boxes chances are you'll have ended up spending well under £2k leaving enough change for a nice weekend away to boot.

Something you might want to consider which I don't think has been mentioned already - Dali Mentor Menuets
See if you can listen to some Diapason Karis. When I heard them they beat Opera Grand Callas floorstanders soundly, if you'll forgive the pun.
You might be able find some Audiosmile Kensai standmounts if you i) look around and ii) can get them on ex-dem. Excellent speakers by all accounts with a fine tonal quality.
Had a good look but not listen today, and by all accounts the proac responce d2 would suit the bill, and the gf likes them too, as they dont have a slab of black on the front. She sid that when I showed her the ATC, hence why they would be rulled out.

Trying to find some sonus to look at.


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