Hi all I know it's been a while since I last posted on my speaker quest but. I thought it was time to tell the tale so here goes while I loved the kef r 500 & r700 the r700 didn't get the boss's green flag and I thought I would try some other speakers that you guys recommend I booked a couple of dems spender a6s and act scm 40s while I was waiting for the days to count down to dem day I happened to be on the bay and I put a bid on a pair of act scm 40s not very scientific I know. I was working down the road from the sellers home in Harlow arranged a dem he had a 500w per channel mf amp as soon as I heard these speakers I knew that I had made the right choice they gave a great image between and beyond the speakers the mid range is to di for and the bass is tight and goes down a very long way these speakers are easy to place which is a real bonus in my small room it has been great to listen to CDs that I've not heard in a long time hearing things that I hadn't noticed before , I can honestly say that I have not had any cd sound anything but very good either I don't have any bad recordings or the views of some that these speakers can make some recordings unlistenable is a bit misleading . So any one in the market for a 2k pair of speakers please do not be put off by the unlistenable myth go give em a dem you will not regret it even if you don't like em you will be a bit wiser