New speakers


Well-known member
Jun 4, 2016
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Hi, I have started to bring my system up to date, starting with the turntable a Rega RP8/RB808 arm/ Ortofon Quintet bronze, then the amplifier an Arcam A29 with M/C step-up, then Cd player a Marantz CD6006. I now need a shortlist for speakers, either stand mounts or compact floor standers. (Fairly close to wall) £500 - £1000

The only complaint when using my old B&W 602s3's is that the system is a little bit bass light, but not over bright I did audition each component but I could not get a home audition or get the TT & amp together.

Anyone got any ideas for a short list?



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In my experience the best partners for Arcam amplification are Monitor Audio, KEF, Focal, and PMC, and so this is where I would suggest looking, depending on your budget.

Use these suggestions (and the others you will undoutedly get here) to draw up a shortlist and then visit a dealer where you can try them with your amp and sources. Then, when you think you've chosen some, ask for a chance to listen to them on a home audition to make sure they still give you what you want in your listening environment.


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Jun 4, 2016
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Thanks, those are a good place to start, sometimes home demos can be difficult, as I don't have a really local dealer & have to travel, (Can be a problem due to an injury) but as you say the dealers room accoustics are going to be very different to mine.


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Hi. Focal Aria 906 is a best buy imo. It's a very versatile speaker, has great scale, detailed and smooth, and not too fussy with positioning. They also partner Arcam very good indeed. Atc SCM11 should also be on your shortlist.


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Mar 30, 2013
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I have an Arcam Solo Neo, and have found that both the Monitor Audio Silver RX1 and the Focal Aria 936 work well with it. The 936's are out of your price range, but the 700 range may well be suitable, at a lower price.


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Jan 22, 2016
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But they're (IMHO) ugly as furniture (not sure if that is an important thing to you!).

I listened just yesterday and was impressed with their naturalness, esp with vocals. However, I still preferred the sound of B&W CM1 (despite the latter's slight lack of bass). Kef LS50 might be worth a listen but seem a bit marmitey.

Other speakers attracting rave reviews in your price range are Quad and Dynaudio Emit (which I hope to audition next week)


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Jun 1, 2014
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But if placed close to a wall it may be wise to avoid rear ported speakers - or at least make sure you have the option of bunging them.

Enjoy the auditioning


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Sep 29, 2011
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Sonus Faber Chameleon B? A lovely looking, warm, smallish standmount speaker which has a downward facing reflex port under the speaker so can go closer to a wall.


Well-known member
Jun 4, 2016
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Hi all, I have only just got to actually looking around & to throw a spanner in the works, one suggestion has been Roksan TR5 S2's. I have not seen or heard much about them, anyone know anything?

If I want to listen to them, I have quite a way to travel & would like to know if it is worth the distance?

Iprefer78's said:
Hi all, I have only just got to actually looking around & to throw a spanner in the works, one suggestion has been Roksan TR5 S2's. I have not seen or heard much about them, anyone know anything?

If I want to listen to them, I have quite a way to travel & would like to know if it is worth the distance?


These have a large port on the rear and probably not best positioned close to a rear wall. There are reviews online.

Where in the world are you based?


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May 7, 2010
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Iprefer78's said:
Hi, I have started to bring my system up to date, starting with the turntable a Rega RP8/RB808 arm/ Ortofon Quintet bronze, then the amplifier an Arcam A29 with M/C step-up, then Cd player a Marantz CD6006. I now need a shortlist for speakers, either stand mounts or compact floor standers. (Fairly close to wall) £500 - £1000

The only complaint when using my old B&W 602s3's is that the system is a little bit bass light, but not over bright I did audition each component but I could not get a home audition or get the TT & amp together.

Anyone got any ideas for a short list?


You mention you think the B& W 602s3 are a little bass light. If you think this you are unlikely to find a larger standmount with more bass. I would suggest floorstanders if you prefer this much bass. Alternatively, Monitor audio silver 2, Proac studio 118 if it must be a standmount speaker.
Iprefer78's said:
Hi AL ears, I live in Derbyshire nowhere exotic, but due to cracked disc in my spine traveling can be a nightmare sometimes!

It's a pity you're not closer to me in Wales as I would have bought a couple of pairs over for you to try

PS. I might also have suggested a pair I have on eBay at the moment....... but I am not allowed to do that ;-)


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