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James83 said:
I suspect I may eventually add a tuner to the setup. Assuming of course i do go down the full size seperates system.

Its a lot more flexible that way than connecting it to the TV. Plus I dont restrict myself to only those amps that have digital inputs.

Just make sure you audition the MCR 610 as well, it has everything you need imo, and it might be enough - I know one or two forum members "downgraded" from separates to the MCR 610 after arriving to the conclusion that it offers them everything they can ask for considering their space and requirements. It will save you quite a bit of cash 🙂
The whole point at now looking at some seperates is because of the prices now available for them and the fact they have a built in phono input. Its an option, but I dont think it does offer me everything i need (but it does offer me too much), and I dont think it would save me money.

The 610 would require purchasing an extra phono amp, and by the time ive done that, it could end up more expensive. Even compared to the Marantz 6005 combo, there wouldnt be a lot in it i dont think, due to the offers available on the 6005 amp and speakers.

Looking at it right now, it would have to sound infinitely better than seperates to make it worthwhile. But as i say, I shall check it out, along with the Denon F109.
Well, in the end it was all done and dusted in about 2hrs. Never listened to the Denon, but checked out the Marantz 6005 CD player combined with the Marantz amp and Zensor 1s. Then changed the amp over for a Rotel 10, before finally changing the speakers over for Wharfedales (220s were they, cant remember). So 3 combos I listened to. No Denons (none available in store), and didnt bother with the Q Acoustics either in the end, as by then I had long since decided on the speaker.

The winning combo? Well, I opted for an £11,000 Meridian CD player!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nope, joking aside, the CD player was obviously the Marantz, combined with the Rotel amp and Zensor 1s. The best combination by far. The Rotel amp had more clarity and depth to it than the Marantz. I thought the Marantz was good at first, but then was surprised to hear the Rotel knock it for 6. All the more amazing because I had already decided on the full Marantz set up before I listened to the Rotel as I prefered the look of the Marantz. So to overcome that was pretty good going. It sounded like the Marantz was going for a more neutral sound, and so lacked some of the depth of the Rotel. The Rotel worked whether it was Dire Straits/ Eric Clapton, or the soothing voice of Ruth Moody.

Speakers wise, the Dali's had more detail and energy to them. Sounded like a live performance at times. The Wharfedales in comparison were like a blunt squib. Is there such a thing?!!

The Wharfedales sounded muffled, especially on songs that would have some bass to it. Like they tried to exagerate the bass, but then pulled back at the last second. There wasnt the energy either. Listen to Ruth Moody live, and you feel like you are in heaven. The Dali's brought that feeling back. Wharfedales couldnt.

Its not that the Wharfedales were bad speakers. More they were just shown the door by a far superior speaker, and I cannot for the life of me see how this website reckons the Dali's have been knocked down by the likes of the new Wharfedales. The difference between them is larger than the difference between the Marantz and Rotel amps.

Anyway, my budget kept rising and rising the whole time, and in the end i have spent even more again. But I have something that really does bring music alive. Needless to say, I don't intend changing it anytime soon (the 750 ive just spent is plenty!) Just need to add the Rega RP1 turntable at some point. Will wait for another payday to come past first i think.

Thankyou all for the help. It has been much appreciated.
Yep, the Rotel seemed to bring out that little bit more from the Dali's. As I said before, it was so nearly the Marantz/ Dali amp/ speaker combo, but somehow the Rotel won through. Lets hope I don't change my mind now they are home! I shouldnt do though because there wasnt that big a difference. Just better detail, and brought the voices alive slightly better. I didnt need all the digital inputs on the Marantz, so I was able to just go by the sound.


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