New Roksan Kandy K2 amp or S/H Roksan Caspian M1?


New member
Sep 17, 2010
Right so I had just finally decided on a combination of the Kandy K2 (with it's recent price drop to £750) and ATC SCM11s to go with a Clearaudio Concept when I noticed that a couple of dealers had demo units of the Caspian M1 series for £895. Both are top rated amps - if in different classes - and the M1 doesn't have a phono stage so I would need to budget a bit extra for a decent photo stage but the question is does it make sense to push the extra £500 to get the M1 and a phono stage or should I just stick with the K2?

This should be a no brainer. As long as your budget will stretch adequately, then Caspian all the way.Or go for the Leema Pulse. It has the inputs of the Kandy and sound quality of the Caspian, and brand new costs £749.00
Both are great amps so really you need to see if you can hear them both with your speakers to make the decision.

Both have a different sound BUT it's not majorly different IMO. Having heard both amps with the likes of PMC, B&W and M/A speakers both played their own advantages
Hey Penguin - am I missing something? Someone else recommended the Leema Pulse as well but a quick check of the reviews shows the old unit clocking in at £1200 and the new III just shy of £1500. Where can I pick up a Pulse for £800? Or were you meaning second hand? I remember in the WHF single make round up that Roskan partnered their amp with a Leema phono stage rather than their own which surely says something...
Fulmer said:
Hey Penguin - am I missing something? Someone else recommended the Leema Pulse as well but a quick check of the reviews shows the old unit clocking in at £1200 and the new III just shy of £1500. Where can I pick up a Pulse for £800? Or were you meaning second hand? I remember in the WHF single make round up that Roskan partnered their amp with a Leema phono stage rather than their own which surely says something...

Same place I purchased mine.
Ooooo, interesting. Not sure if SSAV ships to Ireland but it'd be worth a call to find out. What speakers did you partner it with?