Question New preamp to replace Cabre as-201


Active member
May 21, 2024
Hello guys,
Done with the streamer (my other post) its time to think about finding a worthy replacement for the preamplifier.

My actual set up is a Project stream box s2 ultra via USB to the Burson composer 3xp (balanced and unbalanced out) and Audio linear td4001 (turntable) connected both via rca to the preamp (cabre as-201, a really nice piece of HiFi Italian tech from the 80s )
From the preamp via rca to a Behringer FBQ6200HD (which I also usa as crossover for the subwoofer) and then via rca again to a pair of active speakers Audio Pro A48 and an Audio Pro subwoofer SW-10
The preamp has a really great sounding phono stage and an equally impressive headphone out and I really love how it all sounds together…problem is that the preamp is a borrow from my dad and its about time to give it back so I’m looking for a worthy "substitute".

Budget is around 400 euros for used and around 800 for new….what would you suggest???
Looking around I stumbled across the Schiit Kara which is in budget (new) , its both passive and active and it would let me connect the composer 3xp with a balanced in and unbalanced out.

Looking forward to hear your opinions and tnx in advance for your help 🙂

Ciao e grazie,



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