new integrated amplifier... the options.


Jan 29, 2013
so, i'm looking to upgrade my integrated amp, as i've got the money now to get something a bit better than the arcam A70 i currently have.

there are a few obvious choices, the pm-ki pearl lite, the nait 5-si , the kandy k2 . mf m3i.

my price range is gonna be around 500-750... possibly more, for the right amp.

i'm looking for a bit of insight at this price range, and possible cd player partnerships for the future.

any advice would be apreciated.
bigfish786 said:
so, i'm looking to upgrade my integrated amp, as i've got the money now to get something a bit better than the arcam A70 i currently have.

there are a few obvious choices, the pm-ki pearl lite, the nait 5-si , the kandy k2 . mf m3i.

my price range is gonna be around 500-750... possibly more, for the right amp.

i'm looking for a bit of insight at this price range, and possible cd player partnerships for the future.

any advice would be apreciated.
I've just bought the Naim Nait 5si replacing a Rotel RA-05. Personally i dont like the Kandy but the Naim really rocks. Have a demo but strongly recommended by me.
shep1968 said:
bigfish786 said:
so, i'm looking to upgrade my integrated amp, as i've got the money now to get something a bit better than the arcam A70 i currently have.

there are a few obvious choices, the pm-ki pearl lite, the nait 5-si , the kandy k2 . mf m3i.

my price range is gonna be around 500-750... possibly more, for the right amp.

i'm looking for a bit of insight at this price range, and possible cd player partnerships for the future.

any advice would be apreciated.
I've just bought the Naim Nait 5si replacing a Rotel RA-05. Personally i dont like the Kandy but the Naim really rocks. Have a demo but strongly recommended by me.
Also fits well with the same make CD player. As long as you like it in black it is worth listening to, especially as it is available at less than RRP
Creek 50a

Croft Integrated

Exposure 2010-2

Peachtree Deco65

All different, all excellent and around the top end of your budget.
Avoid the awful amp.

With that i would buy a second hand or ex demo nait xs.
there are 2 leema elements amplifiers with built in dacs on ebay ot the moment, both are reducing there price daily to get a sale, well worth watching imo, i would buy one if i didnt already have one.... amazing amp.

oh and im nothing to do with either of these sellers.... just pointing out an obvious deal!
mpapo said:
Hegel H80 if you can get a discount

Nice amp apparently but assuming the OP is in he UK there is only one dealer (and they don't have anything on their website) so getting to audition one would be difficult and as it is quite a recent addition he will be unlikely to get much, if any, discount placing it someway out of his budget.

However good suggestion if he can stretch his budget.
If you are tempted by naim then seriously consider a nait xs. A good second hand one can be gotten for 7-800.
Try before you buy. Not tried marantz or the latest kandy but the kandy k2 was not good.
Zax89swe said:
which is best Roksan kandy or Marantz pm8005? Im about to buy a new amplifier as well.

Haven't heard the PM8005 but on paper there's not a great amount of difference between the pearl lite and pm8005, considering the price difference, so try to hear both. The Pearl Lite never seems to get many recommendations in these types of threads and I feel it is quite under rated, maybe based on that 4 star review at £990. But for £650 it is a seriously capable amp. Powerful, smooth and detailed with a large soundstage, and well spec'd, its delivered everything I hoped for. I was looking around for a while and it came down to the Marantz or Arcam A19, another good amp. Since upgrading the source to an audiolab CDQ though the sound has gone up another level. I was already impressed with the amp's presentation. What suprised and delighted me most is how good this amp sounds with complex electronic music, as that was my reservation from experience with previous Marantz amps. Read Delfinus's & other user reviews and try to get a listen. With the right speakers and a good source it is superb value.

To the OP, the pearl lite cd player & amp combo sounded great to me through LS50's, but I'm not familiar with your speakers.


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