new cartridge huming


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Hi All

Just installed a new AT440MLa in place of a rather worn Linn K9 cartridge. When changing over i noticed the K9 was wired the wrong way round negative and positive swapped round so i tested from head shell to the end of phono leads and installed the new cartridge the correct way positive to centre pin of phono negative to outer of phono. Plugged all back in and now its humming really bad with slight improvement if i remove the ground lead from the amp.

I guess i should have left it reversed as it was very quite before but why is it now humming

Any ideas please before i go through the whole hassle of disconnecting the cartridge rewiring and seting up again

Thanks in advance

Hate to say it but if you've tried the obvious (ground lead to amp) then removing the cartridge is the only way. If you have wired the cartridge up correctly and it's humming then it certainly suggests it's not earthed correctly so I would just wire it up the same way as you did with your old cartridge. Would not fancy stripping the arm to try and work out that one (unless you really want to of course)
ok just tested the cables again should the ground wire have a connection to the negative of the left end right channel.

i have a circuit from the ground to the right negative but not from the ground to the negative of the left
I had exactly this problem on my old Debut 2 - as I'm not handy with those things I bought a new turntable and sold the Debut 2 to a practical pal.

He replaced the tonearm wire - and that cleared it - so if you are handy...

If not have you got a pal who can do it for you?
looks like i found the problem there was a short in the arm now replaced and up and running

slight improvement in sound over the K9 i hope it will improve as the cart runs in, any ideas on how many hours to run in ?


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