I agree that the NAD C326 BEE would be a great buy; there's a few on eBay currently.
However the likes of the Arcam Alpha 9 or 10 would work very well indeed. I'd say that the NAD C355BEE that's on eBay would work very well too. I've owned the NAD C352 in the past and that was a superb, gutsy amp and I think the C355BEE is the 352 in new clothing!
Theyd all manage your B&Ws very well...
However the likes of the Arcam Alpha 9 or 10 would work very well indeed. I'd say that the NAD C355BEE that's on eBay would work very well too. I've owned the NAD C352 in the past and that was a superb, gutsy amp and I think the C355BEE is the 352 in new clothing!
Theyd all manage your B&Ws very well...