cheeseboy said:
(even though you seemingly only joined in july).
I have been a member here for some time, but my original account became lost/inaccessible after the last website upgrade, so in common with some others I was forced to create a new identity.
cheeseboy said:
If you want to ask questions, ask them, and I will answer, just please don't try to come off all superior and say things like there's no point in asking questions as the quesioner knows all the answers. Passive agressive rubbish like that gets my goat something chronic.
I didn't mention any desire to ask questions, but was discussing the futility of attempting to answer questions seemingly posed by others when apparently they already know the answer. People not reading what is written before choosing to condemn it is rather annoying.
Anyway, back on topic, the OP might choose not to have his or her NAS in the same room as the listening system, as these storage devices can be rather noisy. In which case a sensible alternative would be something like a MacMini as the player device, run 'headless' (ie without a screen or keyboard) under the control of an iOS tablet or smartphone (or even an old iPod touch) and connected to the DAC via USB.
And though I haven't yet tried it myself, I've heard good reports of using Raspberry Pi DIY computers as streaming players, although setting up and configuring these may be too much of a hassle for those wanting a simple plug and play solution. In which case buying a discounted last-gen hi-fi streamer, such as the Marantz NA7004 or the like, and using that via its digital output into a DAC, might prove a more user-friendly option, and a sensibly-priced one, too.