Need advice for budget speakers that are versatile


New member
Aug 10, 2019
I've been looking at speakers for TV and a diverse range of music. I mostly listen to ambient, rock and acoustic so need detailed midrange as well as decent bass and treble, but I can't spare much more than £100. They will need to be very close to a wall and will usually be fairly quiet. I'm using an Onkyo TX SR605 receiver and have a Yamaha HTR 5630 that's not in use. I think I prefer the Yamaha so I might swap them over.

These are the main contenders:
Tannoy Mercury V1 for £100 /
Mission MX1 for £110 /
Wharfedale Diamond 9.1 for £100 /
Boston Acoustics A25 £94 /
Boston Acoustics A26 £140.

The Tannoys and Wharfedales are front ported and probably okay against a wall. The Tannoys will suit low power of 10w and the Wharfedales will be okay at 20w. The Missions are rear ported, but supposedly okay against a wall, not so good at low power (min 25w) and less extended bass (58Hz). Both Bostons are rear ported and not so good against a wall, but both good at low power (10w). The A26 obviously cost the most, but are greatly reduced in price; I do not not know what they would sound like against a wall or very close, but might be worth the extra cost and space with a bit of soundproofing on the wall. I cannot audition any of these so any advice or further suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Thanks. I've read great things about them, but wasn't sure they're still contenders because the reviews are older than the others. They're certainly nice looking speakers. I bought some Diamond 9.0s for my mother's TV because they're smaller and was impressed, but the midrange isn't so great.
Been rereading about the Diamond 9.1s and my main concern is whether they keep their sound quality at low volumes. Apparently the Mercury V1s still sound good when they are quiet & I expect the Bostons do because of their suitability to low wattage. I noticed the Diamonds are currently out of stock, which is a bit worrying. I'm surprised that they are still competing after all these years.


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