stevenjonas said:
Thanks for everyone's input. It's all been very helpful. In the end I've gone for the DS213j & 2 x 3TB HDDs. That's still more than a monkey & I've still got to decide on which satellite receiver to buy. I've got about 300 CDs & over 100 DVDs, although I don't expect I'll need to copy all of them.
In a way I do feel that I'm investing in yesterday's technology, today's being cloud based. However, cloud based storage needs internet connections with decent broadband speeds - fine in large cities, but less guaranteed elsewhere.
Sorry, but a NAS is a VERY today investment, is your OWN personal cloud, you can access into it from out side your home and listen to your music, see your holidays fotos or download a document from your business!
Last year i was 400km from my home in holidays by the swimming-pool drinking mojitos listenig to my tunes through my ipad, how cool is that???? 8)