I am contemplating acquiring a Naim Uniti Lite and was wondering whether someone who has a Naim streamer could answer some questions for me, remembering that all my music is ripped to iTunes.
1. if my iTunes library was on a NAS, could the Naim access and stream it - or, put another way, is there an issue with using iTunes libraries?
2. if I stored music on my iPad / iPhone (again, iTunes ripped) is the Naim iOS application (N-Stream) able to access that music?
What I am trying to solve for is whether the Naim Uniti Lite gives me any upside to my current Naim 5i-2 + Airplay route which is how I access internet radio, and my own music. Obviously, it would allow the internet radio, but I'm concerned I may need to 'convert' my music somehow.
Thanks in advance.
1. if my iTunes library was on a NAS, could the Naim access and stream it - or, put another way, is there an issue with using iTunes libraries?
2. if I stored music on my iPad / iPhone (again, iTunes ripped) is the Naim iOS application (N-Stream) able to access that music?
What I am trying to solve for is whether the Naim Uniti Lite gives me any upside to my current Naim 5i-2 + Airplay route which is how I access internet radio, and my own music. Obviously, it would allow the internet radio, but I'm concerned I may need to 'convert' my music somehow.
Thanks in advance.