Naim streaming (e.g.Naim Uniti Lite) + iTunes + NAS

Juzzie Wuzzie

Well-known member
I am contemplating acquiring a Naim Uniti Lite and was wondering whether someone who has a Naim streamer could answer some questions for me, remembering that all my music is ripped to iTunes.

1. if my iTunes library was on a NAS, could the Naim access and stream it - or, put another way, is there an issue with using iTunes libraries?

2. if I stored music on my iPad / iPhone (again, iTunes ripped) is the Naim iOS application (N-Stream) able to access that music?

What I am trying to solve for is whether the Naim Uniti Lite gives me any upside to my current Naim 5i-2 + Airplay route which is how I access internet radio, and my own music. Obviously, it would allow the internet radio, but I'm concerned I may need to 'convert' my music somehow.

Thanks in advance.

Andrew Everard

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May 30, 2007
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1. No, no issue: the UPnP/DLNA streaming software on the NAS will just present the music for the Naim to access, provided you 'share' the folder holding all the music.

2. Not unless you use something like Twonky Mobile to allow your content stored on the iPad or iPhone to be seen by the Naim as a library, and even then I'm not sure whether it'd work. You could always plug your iOS device into the Naim using the standard connector lead, and there are ongoing rumours that Naim may add AirPlay at some point, though this seems to be on hold at the moment.


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