Naim NAC A5 speaker cable disappointment..


New member
Apr 4, 2013
Hi, i used before Audioquest FLX 14/4 single-wire with my Rega RS3.. and i did bought a 2,8mt Naim Nac A5 speaker cable.. but A5 is soo bright.. and FLX was more bodied and more neutral sound than Nac A5.. maby cos its too short.. if i will bought a longer then 7-8mt NAC A5.. Does it matter if the situation?? Is it worth dealing with?? sorry my little english..

by the way; really thanks for "cheeby" your suggestions helped my system selection..

My System:

PC --> Vertere dfi USB Cable --> Audiolab MDAC --> Atlas Equator MKIII Phono Cable --> Naim Nait 5i-2 --> Naim NAC A5 Speaker Cable--> Rega RS3 Speakers
Longer cable will not make much if any difference. I would go back to Audioquest and get my money back on the Naim cable. There are other cables you can try that don't cost the earth like Van Damme OFC about £4m or Supra 3.4 £7m.
yasin.caliskan said:
Hi, i used before Audioquest FLX 14/4 single-wire with my Rega RS3.. and i did bought a 2,8mt Naim Nac A5 speaker cable.. but A5 is soo bright.. and FLX was more bodied and more neutral sound than Nac A5.. maby cos its too short.. if i will bought a longer then 7-8mt NAC A5.. Does it matter if the situation?? Is it worth dealing with?? sorry my little english..

by the way; really thanks for "cheeby" your suggestions helped my system selection..

My System:

PC --> Vertere dfi USB Cable --> Audiolab MDAC --> Atlas Equator MKIII Phono Cable --> Naim Nait 5i-2 --> Naim NAC A5 Speaker Cable--> Rega RS3 Speakers

Lots of people find that Linn K20 cable suits very well. It is not very expensive (about £5 per metre) and should be fine for your 2 - 3 metre lengths.

It is also an electrically 'benign' cable with the correct capacitance & inductance that Naim recommend for use with their amps. (And it's much more flexible to shape around corners than NACA5.)
Welcome, Yasin. Nice system!

This is why it is so important to try cables in your own system. Some say it makes no difference, but you know differently!

Naim cable is always in demand so you should be able to sell it, or keep it for another day when it may work better for you. I agree that longer cable should make no significant difference, and 8 metres is a lot unless you really need it.
nopiano said:
Welcome, Yasin. Nice system!

This is why it is so important to try cables in your own system. Some say it makes no difference, but you know differently!

Naim cable is always in demand so you should be able to sell it, or keep it for another day when it may work better for you. I agree that longer cable should make no significant difference, and 8 metres is a lot unless you really need it.

If speaker cables really do make a difference, why wouldn't twice the length of cable make twice the difference?
if the length does not create too much of a difference.. I guess for now I will continue on my way with audioquest FLX.. maby i will tray Linn or Kimber in the near future.. thank you for your reply and suggestions..
nopiano said:
andyjm said:
If speaker cables really do make a difference, why wouldn't twice the length of cable make twice the difference?

Because length doesn't matter! Not with cables, anyway....

Hmmn. Inductance, capacitance and resistance are all a function of cable length.

So what is it that makes the cables 'sound' different if not their electrical properties?
I was told that Naim system is very picky on speaker cable and that to achieve good sound quality must use this NACA5. I juz ordered my Uniti2 with ProAc Tablette Annivesary Ebony with this speaker cable. Hope I made the right choice.
uniquexme said:
I was told that Naim system is very picky on speaker cable and that to achieve good sound quality must use this NACA5.

Somewhat out-of-date advice (especially with modern Naim Nait 5i, Nait XS and NaimUniti boxes) nowadays. However I fell for it - to the tune of £105 - a few years ago.

The 'minimum 3.5m x 2' of NACA5 is no longer necessary.

Anyway, Linn K20 is identical to the original NAC A4 cable that also satisfied the old Naim guidelines. (Naim and Linn and the cable maker - BIC - once had a bit of a 'fracas' over who had copied whose cable design/specification and NAIM ditched NAC A4 and started making NAC A5 instead.)

It'll probably sound fine and - compared to the overall cost of your system - you haven't been 'advised' out of too much money.

I hope you have a hairdryer.
chebby said:
uniquexme said:
I was told that Naim system is very picky on speaker cable and that to achieve good sound quality must use this NACA5.

Somewhat out-of-date advice (especially with modern Naim Nait 5i, Nait XS and NaimUniti boxes) nowadays. However I fell for it - to the tune of £105 - a few years ago.

The 'minimum 3.5m x 2' of NACA5 is no longer necessary.

Anyway, Linn K20 is identical to the original NAC A4 cable that also satisfied the old Naim guidelines. (Naim and Linn and the cable maker - BIC - once had a bit of a 'fracas' over who had copied whose cable design/specification and NAIM ditched NAC A4 and started making NAC A5 instead.)

It'll probably sound fine and - compared to the overall cost of your system - you haven't been 'advised' out of too much money.

I hope you have a hairdryer.

Sounds like Naim advise, they used to state that you had to have at least 3.5 m of Naim cable for their amps.
BigH said:
chebby said:
uniquexme said:
I was told that Naim system is very picky on speaker cable and that to achieve good sound quality must use this NACA5.

Somewhat out-of-date advice (especially with modern Naim Nait 5i, Nait XS and NaimUniti boxes) nowadays. However I fell for it - to the tune of £105 - a few years ago.

The 'minimum 3.5m x 2' of NACA5 is no longer necessary.

Anyway, Linn K20 is identical to the original NAC A4 cable that also satisfied the old Naim guidelines. (Naim and Linn and the cable maker - BIC - once had a bit of a 'fracas' over who had copied whose cable design/specification and NAIM ditched NAC A4 and started making NAC A5 instead.)

It'll probably sound fine and - compared to the overall cost of your system - you haven't been 'advised' out of too much money.

I hope you have a hairdryer.

Sounds like Naim advise, they used to state that you had to have at least 3.5 m of Naim cable for their amps.

It is common practice in amp design to include a 'Zobel' network at the output to reduce the effect of the inductance of the loudspeaker voicecoils. If left unchecked, in certain circumstances loudspeaker inductance would cause the amp to become unstable and oscillate.

For whatever reason (sound quality?) Naim didn't include this network in their amp design and relied on the speaker cable providing part of the equalisation for them. I guess in the 'less is more' philosophy, why include a redundant circuit when the cables will do it for you - as long as they were of sufficient length.

Naim no longer have this requirement, so I guess they now include a Zobel network or have designed their amps to be more tolerant of speaker inductance.
big disappointment...recently purchased NAIM NAP 200DR and after some reading on diferent forums dicided to try NAC A5 instead my HI Diamond 1 speaker cables...sound was so opened, too much mids and trebs...without bass at all...I am back on this price range this is BEST speaker cables...for me
I tried it and didn’t like this naca5. In my system it wasn’t balanced. Lots of projection of the ‘main’ predominant parts of the music but not very good balance to all layers and instruments. Bass was good though. The chord cable which outclassed it was much cheaper. It’s expensive just because of the naim label on it really.
I had the cable for years. Got it very cheap at the time. Works well in every system used but new prices are high and I would buy the aforementioned Linn or original Cable Talk if you can't afford the NACA.

Currently using some snazzy part solid core silver plated copper cable as it's easier to route in the current position.


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