NAD PP1 or Cambridge Audio 640P


New member
Aug 10, 2019
I am looking to add a phono stage so I can get my vinyl out again. Im going secondhand and can get a NAD for around £40 or the Cambridge Audio for £55-60. What would be the way to go?
Is this far better than the other 2? Not quite as nice looking. Unfortunately this is a consideration!
its much better than the pp1 which sounds a bit closed in havent heard the ca but the rega is a lot cheaper
Im still on the hunt for a phono stage. Ive got a choice of second hand Cambridge Audio 640P, brand new NAD PP2 or a Rotel RQ-970BX which although old is brand new never been taken out of the box. I cant demo any of these and I cant make my mind up. All are going for £60.

Please help because its driving me nuts!
I currently use the Cambridge 540p which is excellent, very rhythmic and musical sounding, it replaced the Rotel model you quote as the Rotel died, both were good, but I enjoy the Cambridge more, it feels more musical?

Whilst I haven't heard the current NAD, I have used the previous model alongside the Rotel on a trial and the NAD didn't impress, sounding boxed in.
I got a Cambridge 540P for Christmas and I'm very pleased with it. Its an excellent phono stage - actually better than my old Graham Slee Gram Amp 1 (which stopped working). I totally concur with gwynne61's description.


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