My DM37 Micro Hi-Fi Review (Volume steps are too large)


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Aug 10, 2019
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I have found that the speakers that come with this system are actually very good, slightly better in my opinion than the Tannoy Mercury F1 Customs, giving a warmer sound

The system is well made with very good sound quality, but it depends on how good the source material is in the first place, but I believe this applies to all hi-fi no matter what the price is, I presume this is correct as the end result is only as good as what goes in

Nice small compact size with amp/cd/dab tuner/fm & mw tuner

Its got very good connectivity for different media:- usb/ipod/mp3 players/mp3 cd/wma cd


Major point, the volume control has not got enough discrete steps to adjust the volume to the desired level, you are left with having one setting too low and the other too high, the range is from 00-45 where as for example the Arcam solo mini has 00-75, hopefully I will get use to this in time, how can they make such a basic error on this otherwise very good product

Very minor point, the speaker connectors on the back have not got proper spade connections


I am just curious to what other owners think, I still feel it is definetely an important issue as you need it on a reasonable volume to appriatiate the sound quality, and not have it too low, I know on other sites that this point has been raised as well


Hi! Garyjos. I got Denon micro with Q Acoustics. It is good, got great sound but i agree with you on volume control. I use it at relatively low volumes and it would have been nice to have had steps in between so the jump wasnt so big. Why does it have to go in steps? Why can't it just be gradual when you use volume control.


Thanks for you reply Baldybonce

I know it should ideally be a gradual increase like on old volume controls or have enough steps so that each increase is not too big