I've done quite a bit of testing and always managed to get the same sound out of a windows based player as I have linux. Providing you make sure things are being passed through and there's no filters, effects etc in the way etc, it's all the same. Otherwise I'd suggest biases are kicking in.
I've been banging on about daphile for a while, not because I found it sounded better, but more because it was a nice compact distro that you can run on a very very low powered machine. Plus it's basically what a lot of the foo audiophile peeps strive for when they try to start unnecessarily hobbling windows - ie an operating system with just the bare minimum loaded for playback of audio and network connectivity, but then most I've said to try it to won't and don't. probably beacuse it's free (and that's a bitter pill to swallow if you've just spend hundreds on bits of useless software) and it wouldn't give them anything to blindly tinker with.
edit: - there's an older daphile thread here you might want to bump https://www.whathifi.com/forum/hi-fi/daphile