. . .showing the first signs of dying a graceless death. CDs skip intermittently, usually when I've first fired it up, and thereafter it's okay. My question, like a few similar recently, is should I replace it when it does finally go kerrputt? I stream music from my Mac and play records on my deck. I've got a nice sounding DAC, so I don't really need a replacement CDP, but a part of me craves a Roksan Caspian (M1, if I can locate a cheap-ish one) to go with my other kit. Yes, I know this is probably silly and needless, as it's ultimately doomed to be a "back-up" device for when the Mac isn't functioning (so far, never!). I'm craving a new box, basically, so I'm pretty pleased the Arcam's in it's death throes. Somewhat pathetically I'm even trying to convince my wife (to be!) that streaming interferes with her eBaying et al, so wouldn't it be a good move to get a new CDP. Rubbish argument really, as all that happens when I launch Remote app from my phone, is that iTunes springs up and she takes all of 1 second to minimize it and get back to online browsing & study. Anyone suggest something?