Musical fidelity M6i or Naim Nait xs to drive my B&W 683


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Jan 17, 2012
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I'm new in this world. Well I bought my set a year ago (in the beginning it sounded like heaven than you notice haven is far an expensive :doh: ). So I'm looking for an upgrade.

My dealer say's it's better to start with the amp it's cheaper. Upgrading my 683's would be way more expensive....(803's)

Also he say's my problem would come from the amp.

So I will start to chage my nad 356 I have the feeling it misses a bit of power an exitement an it loses grip on passages with charged instrumentals (Led zep, Deep purple....) Vocals sounds great (Vaya condios...).

So wich amp would you sugest.

Or would you go for something completly differend in that price range?

Maybe go for NAD power amp 275?

(aftherwards I will also buy the cd player that goe's with the amp)

thanks for the tips


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Jan 17, 2012
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Just a little add

The bass schould be tighter, Because its when ther comes havy bass that it loses controle an a detail becaus it's covered by the bass.

I have to say this is much better sinds I removed the rubber feet B&W give's you an put the spikes Instead.


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Jan 17, 2012
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Just a little add

The bass schould be tighter, Because its when ther comes havy bass that it loses controle an a detail becaus it's covered by the bass.

I have to say this is much better sinds I removed the rubber feet B&W give's you an put the spikes Instead.


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I agree with your dealer, when he says that speaker control comes from the amp.

As to which's too personal to call, as they are both respected brands, but sound very different.

FWIW I much prefer the M6i, but that mightn't suit you....go demo, and you are likely to form a preference..


Roby said:

I'm new in this world. Well I bought my set a year ago (in the beginning it sounded like heaven than you notice haven is far an expensive :doh: ). So I'm looking for an upgrade.

My dealer say's it's better to start with the amp it's cheaper. Upgrading my 683's would be way more expensive....(803's)

Also he say's my problem would come from the amp.

So I will start to chage my nad 356 I have the feeling it misses a bit of power an exitement an it loses grip on passages with charged instrumentals (Led zep, Deep purple....) Vocals sounds great (Vaya condios...).

So wich amp would you sugest.

Or would you go for something completly differend in that price range?

Maybe go for NAD power amp 275?

(aftherwards I will also buy the cd player that goe's with the amp)

thanks for the tips

Depends on the soundstage youre after really.

I'm surprised that you feel that the NAD doesnt control the 683's well though; I've heard them a number of times with the NAD C355BEE and C356BEE and both amps controlled them superbly and with bags of weight behind them

IMO the 1st step I'd look to take would be demoing the NAD C275BEE power amp; that WILL give you bags of control and power to use; the 683's wouldnt need any more than that

If you feel that you want a new amp then the MF would be my choice; I've heard that and the Naim with the 684's and M/A RX8's and the MF, I felt, just controlled them better and with a much more detailed and powerful soundstage


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Jan 17, 2012
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Thanks for the reply's,

To altruistic.lemon: I wouldn't mind looking for other brand speakers, but everyone advise me otherwise it would cost me a lot of money.

Biside before Buying my 683 the dealer adviced me the 'klipsch rf 62' I had them for 3weeks an didnt like it at all.

So I went back for a few demo's Listened to the MA rx6, an the MS mezzo 8 it was to much or to little or to much.... there was clearly something missing.

As in the climbing gym where I work they have a paire of DSM 603 s3 who sound great for 8 years now...

I listen to the 684 & 683...who clearly sounded the best.

An other dealer Last week made me demo the Vienna Acoustic 'Bethoven Baby's'

An the Pro arc 'D18' sounded bothe great, listened to them on a 356

But at the momment not worthe the money sertenly not with the 356 amp, in my opinion.

Also listened to the CM9 But it doesn't realy feel like an upgrade (more the other way arround) an that for an aditional 1000€.

Beside my usual dealer says I woul be paying for the looks an that the 683 is a better speaker.


I have a demo of the MF/Naim & the 275 poweramp tomorow afthernoon, I also said if he can amaze my he could give it a shot...

Looking forward to it I'm realy exited.....To hear the results on the 683's :bounce:


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Dec 23, 2009
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I disagree with him about saying the CM 9 is only looks, because it is a better speaker then 683. The CM has better detail, less boxiness and a deeper/better soundstage, but I think there are better speakers then the CM9 in that price class. I like ProAc very much and if you like big rock and roll fun speakers, look at the Tannoy DC8T with the Exposure 3010S2.


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Jan 17, 2012
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Hey Poldo,

Oké you have a diferent tweeter an other build an improvement on some points but comon it's never worthe the aditional 1000... at least not to me.

So I went to my demo today I was quite exited so I was 1 hour earlyer :). First we starded with Katie Melua live on the m6i

I had this strange feeling becuase I didn't know what to expect. A bit surprised I asked 'You shure this are the 683?'

It was like sunshine alltrue I was so surprised I asked my self is this it????

So we listened to the same track on the M3i...Maybe it was because this was new to my ears but first impression was this is perfect even better than the M6i.

My dealer asked me if I was shure Well at that momment I was not really... But comon It was only the first track This was a discovery for me. We started to switch music an amp for a wile an I was still not so shure what to think. Than one of his collegue arrived. He helped me before an we stoped listening for a while an start to chat.

Several questions wher spinning in my head.

Should I not change my cables first

Will I risk to blew myspeakers up

Is the M6i worth the 1000 extra

Shoul I buy the cd player M6cd

Why do I miss the exitement in my set that I had in the beginning

An I was thinking 'Itought I bought my set for the rest of my life...'

An a lot more but year.... maybe for an other treat.

For the cables he said that was not the fight I can always do it later.

Blew my speakers no they can take it there is more chance screwing them up with a bad quality 30w amp.

M6i worth the 1000 extra Well that is really personal But I try to explain that later.

Why I losed the exitemend well, I just listen diferently an pay more attention to detail. My hearing just became more mature ( I don't know of this is the right word).

An keepinng my set for life wel you never know but I think when I upgraded my system like I want to, that will do it.

Afther that he let me play with the 2 amp's. There where a little less than 2 hours left.

I started again with the M3i. An swithed again to M6i. Starded to notice my first impression was really wrong.

This is I think because the sound stage of the M3i is closer to my NAD, Far from saying it's tha same ofcourse. It was just a bit closer to what I was used to.

So I started to notice a diference in openes, agility, airnes, detail an of course punch& bass the M3i have all this caracteristics to an it's a superb amp nicly build nice looks (that's personal) But the M6i have it an have it just that touch more to make it.....haaa

So I deside to listen to couple of tracks each time first on M3i than M6i

Then I disided to try some of the album's I bought like 15 years ago

Dire Straits Brother in arms 'Money for nothing' (haha the classic)

Peter Gabriel 'So' 'The rain..., Sleg hammer, Don't give up (with Kate Bush),

The Peppers 'Californicaion' with scartissue, Otheside an Californication.

Everything sounded perfect....Ilistened to half ech track because time was flying....

Than M6i an here comes the reason, at least mine.

Straits Brother in arms 'Money for nothing'

God! Sting's voice came out so perfect it gave me goes pock's rrr... The drums where smashing, this nice curved tight sound like it should. Icouldn't stand up, listened to the whol track it was amazing... Have to admit what an intro!!!

Peter Gabriel 'So' 'The rain..., Sleg hammer, Don't give up (with Kate Bush).

Hey here was the feeling I have been waiting for. Those who know the album Fist track is a bit havy but everiting sounded perfect clear an controled bass, Drum that typical sound of peter's voice.

But it's not that the M6i only handle slow tracks an voices becaus Sleghammer: O god this was exiting man, man, man this was pure fun I was singing drumming in that sofa.

An than last but not least Don't give up.

Well I will keep it short tears came in my eyes. Emotion...

I listened again the tracks completly my hart couldn't take it to cut theme in middle.

I had to hurry up, before the next track started otherwis I would have listened to it an I wanted to hear the Peppers, only 15min left

The Peppers 'Californicaion' with scartissue, Otheside an Californication.

All the tracks where heavenly good I was air guitaring eyes closed... Bishante's Bass was so clear I cant explain it but it was like a big sound wall with a bass from her the guitar there the drums elswere an all so clear an lively.

without being to harsh at anny momment, it kept this nice soft envloping sound.

An this feeling really came out on those 3 albums It was like I was 17 again. This was how I remembred my song's on my Parents & uncle's stereo... Nice nice nice

Biside that all those little sounds you know are there but you don't hear them because you don't pay attention to theme. I discovered theme again normaly you hear that in a live concert or a good live album.

Those who wonder how both amps manage other styles of music

I also tested:

Deep purple

Led zeppelin

Kingns of leon

Sella Shue


Andy c: Drum an bass arena

Daft Punk

Boyz of noiz I: love techno

With special attention to the last 3 because a friend told me it might sound life less an flat. But not at all the M3&6 are good alrounders more than punchy to bring it all to great life with the right speakers.

In my opinion he had thad impression because because he tested the M6i on Apertura armonia speakers, Who I tested last week It's a good speaker for Jazz but it's to closed for electronics an rock. Personaly I didn't like it.

Beside I rediscovered my 683's God I didn't know this boys had it in theme. Really amazing, fantastic alrounders

Bass , detail, clarety.

Like all B&W they are just power hungry but once you give it to them you be amezed...

I sertenly agree there are better speakers but in the same price range it might be a long search.

When I will change them I will have to look in an other brand Because as you know I'm not a big fan of the CM serie's. An 800 might be to expensive

But anyway afther what I heard they are capable of really I don't feel the need to change.

In general You can see MF pay attention to detail an the used materials are nicz an look's solid.

Now I didnt make a dessision yet but as you can imagin my hart goe's for the M6i it is just that little better in every domain

Is that's worth the money well I don't know really It's more than a 1000€ difference.

Like I said M3i is a real upgrade against my NAD an if I could go back in time knowing what I know now I would for shure have bought the M3i an wouldn't feel the need to upgrade now (in my expirience the 357 is just not enough for the 683).

In my situation I'm afraid M3i would not really feel like an upgrade.

An I will ask my self the question "what if I had..."

Even if buying the M6i means to me I have to wait a few month's more to buy my concept TT an nokki okki vinyl cleaner a bit later than planed.

Also my dealer advised to analise all the information of this day.

Heaving an other hearing next week with the naim xs & the Roskan caspian

An a next heaing with the ones I prefered an we will compare them wit the 356.

An only than try to make a decision.

He also adviced me not to buy the M6cd but keep my Azure 650 an go for a 1M click It's a better dac an ofcourse you can do more with it + it's cheaper. So I'm planning to buy it as well

But having a coupel of chat's with me his advice go's for the M6i. Starting to know what my feeling are with music there is a big chance 6 moth's later we have the same proplem "'what if'"

So this was my day I just wan't to ad one last thing.

No questions asked Let me say the NAD 356 is a suberb amb a good all rounder for the money musical an dynamic. I have no regred's that I bought it (like I said, I expect now just that litle bit more, because of the way I listen to music now). But the NAD is nothing against the M3i or 6 of course.


El Hefe

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Great review, especially as English is not your first language.

Glad you enjoyed the M6i and that you were able to hear how good your speakers can sound
(ie. with a good kick up the backside.)

Look forward to how you think the Naim compares...where possible use the same playlist as before.


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Jan 17, 2012
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@ Helmut80: Release date of Californication was Released June 8, 1999 :)

@ CnoEvil: Thanks, My fist language is Dutch, And for shore I will write about my Demo Naim xs vs. MF M6i (with the very same tracks ;-)

@ El Hefe: I see you bought the M1Vinl (an I also saw in your review that you used the pp3 before).

I guess the M1 is a nice upgrade, to be honest I would be tempted, even if I think is expensive.

But My father is offering me all his vinyl's only condition is that I digitalis’s them for him. Now I checked the MF site an see no device that would make that possible, or did I miss something?

The other thing is That my dealer said I could bring back my PP2 he will give me a PP3, which is really nice of him I think an solve one problem.


The Nait XS will do a much better job of controlling the B&Ws, but I have to say the speakers are not exactly the most adept speaker when it comes to keeping bass taut and tuneful (and if you move outside of B&W you don't have to go to 803 levels to achieve much better performance....)

Or give a Densen B-110 a try, it has the control and detail of the Naim but with a slightly more cultured sound, that maybe less of a culture shock moving from the softer NAD.

Whichever you do change that CD player FAST!!!


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@ DistinctlyMinto I will check the densen out :) But hey I know if I change my speakers <i will have to check other brand's. Beside I had the chance yesterday to listen to Avalon's against 803 an have to say B&W lost a bit of his aura to me there. But than again it's a question of taste...

For yhe cd I was planning to use it as pas true the m1clic If you think it's not a good idear, what do you sugest?

@Acalex Year it was really nice really enjoyed the listening. I'm inpatiant to hear your impressions about the comparation of the AMS35i & the Jadis on those Avalon's



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Roby said:
@Acalex Year it was really nice really enjoyed the listening. I'm inpatiant to hear your impressions about the comparation of the AMS35i & the Jadis on those Avalon's


Yes, I came back late today so I could not make it in time. It will be in 2 weeks time...for now I am wnjoying the sound of the Jadis in my living room. When you want to come and listen you are more than welcome ;)

El Hefe

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If you are buying the Clearaudio Concept TT, I dont feel the PP3 or PP2 will live up to the Concept performance. A lot of the dissatisfaction from listening to the Concept via PP2 was immediately solved once I change the the phono stage, in my case, the ViNL matched well into my set up.


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Hi again,

If I end up buying the M6i (wich have my preference for the momment) I will more than provably end up buying the ViNL for the TT.

But my question was is there a way I can digitali's my father lp's with the MF gear or do you think I have to keep the PP3 as well?


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Shure they will

I know they have theme at my dealer. Thanks for the tip

I will audition them agianst the M6i or the niam niat xs depending on what I prefer during the demo next week.

Because this time I really want to make the best choice...

El Hefe

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Roby said:
Hi again,

If I end up buying the M6i (wich have my preference for the momment) I will more than provably end up buying the ViNL for the TT.

But my question was is there a way I can digitali's my father lp's with the MF gear or do you think I have to keep the PP3 as well?

Dont compromise your listening pleasure with the digitalising task. I still keep my NAD for MP3 conversion from LP and casssettes. Currently, I connect the PRE OUT from my M1 HPA headphone amp to my NAD for the digitalising task.


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