Musical fidelity A5 cd player valve life


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Hello just purchased a M F A5 cd player aprox 5 years old just wondered if anyone knows the shelf life of the valves.
Its not the Valve life you have to worry , but its the lens life. If the lens is in good shape then no need to worry ,Only Power tubes need replacement frequently and the valves in the CDP will lost longer may be another 5 years . So dont worry and enjoy your CDP
Coupes, I would give Musical Fidelity a call. There technician is in Monday to Friday between 1pm-3pm.

He has always given me good advice regarding the life on values etc. Its all dependant on how long you have the player on for. How many times its switch on and off in a day etc

They are more than happy to help.


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