Mordaunt Short 906i used in a home cinema???


New member
Aug 10, 2019
stereo system: Sonos, Cambridge Audio Azur 640 v2 amp, MD 906i speakers.

I'm going to create a home cinema system and am wondering about using the MD 906i as the front speakers and simply adding the MD appropriate centre 905i, sub 309i and rears either 902i or 903i.

Question is whether i would be better to buy a completely dedicated home cinema speaker system for about the same budget as adding the required MD speakers (about £450 for the 3 speakers plus sub) and keep the 906s for stereo only. I can't find any reviews of the MD system in a home cinema setting so have no reference point..

a sub question (no pun intended...) is whether the 902i or 903i would be better rears??
I have the MS Avant 900i series set-up with 908i as fronts, 905i as center, and 904i as surround. I just changed my subwoofer from 309i to MJ Acoustics Pro 50 MKII because the former brokedown 3 times already in less than a year and it doesn't have high level connection. The Mordaunt Short Avant 900i speaker series are excellent for movies as it achieved a 5 star rating from WHF. However, after changing my subwoofer, it became adept to music as well. I think the 906i will be a very good addition to your home cinema set-up and it's currently at a reduced price.


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