bigboss:michael hoy: Many thanks BB, They even sound great in stereo mode, I did contemplate a setup like yours, but my wife really liked the Apex and despite the extra money wanted the Apex.
The sub is awesome not only in power but in appearance and size (56lbs), it is very refined in it's output when needed but does go with a thump as well.
TBH, I too would probably have gone for the Apex if it was on sale last year. Looks were not that important for me (my front & centre speakers were being housed in a cabinet) but I've been told that even performance wise, they're better than Radius HD. I haven't compared them myself.
A comparison will be interesting, because the Apex speakers seem no larger in size than the R90HD. I don't know how they compare against the R225HD, R250HD & R270HD. Did you compare them?
Sadly no, the demo I had arranged for the Radius had to be cancelled, so the apex were the first ones we auditioned and liked them so much sonically as well as aesthetically, I did intend to audition some Anthony Gallo Due speakers, but I do not think the cost would be worth it, I will only have about £1200 for a new amp in October / November time.
The Due are £745 per speaker.
Edit: As Big Boss points out in the next thread, I did mean the Strada.