Monitor Audio Apex 10 or R90HD for satellite


New member
Oct 31, 2013
My current set up is a Yamaha RX-V467, Monitor Audio RX1 for front, Monitor Audio RX Centre and Monitor Audio R360HD for sub.

I plan to buy satellite speakers. Hesitating between the Monitor Audio R90HD or Monitor Audio Apex A10.

What do you think about them? Which would be better for my system? Any suggestions for some other speakers?

Thanks in advance.


Well-known member
Feb 3, 2010
Visually the R90 without a shadow of a doubt, the Apex are in a totally different price barcket though, so you're not really comparing like v like.


New member
Oct 31, 2013
I can buy Apex for £100 more. The price difference is not so big if Apex is significantly better.


New member
Dec 10, 2012
As the MA Silver RX range has just been updated, there are quite a few dealers selling off brand new / ex-demo models at half price (or even less), so you mind find some Silver RXFX speakers at a very tempting price, although these are really designed to be wall-mounted so might not suit your room requirements (and it might make you cry when you see what they're selling RX1's at now!!)

However these will offer the ability to spread surround effects more widely than the Radius and Apex which are more directional.

Having said that, I use Radius R90HD's for rears on stands and find them superb.


New member
Oct 31, 2013
My plan is to put speakers on the wall. I found some RXFX at good prices, but unfortunately no one offers delivery to Croatia. Aren't RXFX designed to mount behind the listening position? I can only mounted them on the left and right of the listening position. Is that OK?

The problem is that I just found out that Monitor Audio dealer in Croatia no longer exist or at least I cant no longer contact them.

So, at this time I cannot buy neither R90HD or RXFX, Only accessible to me is Apex 10. Any other sugestions? Some other models? I listened Dali Zensor 1, the speakers really sounds great for its price. What do you think of them as a satellite speaker?

Leeps, do you now if R90HD integrated wall bracket can be rotate down or is it fixed?


New member
Dec 10, 2012
bigboss said:
1) Stick to the same brand of satellites as the fronts and centre for better integration.

2) Check my home cinema pics. The R90HD is tilted slightly downwards.

+1...stick with MA's; all three speakers share very similar drivers so ought to integrate much better than another manufacturer's speakers.

Wall-mounting the R90HD's above the listening position should actually help the dispersion of effects. The wall-bracket has a ball & socket arrangement that allows for some adjustment.


New member
Oct 31, 2013
Thanks for your answers. OK than, I try to buy Monitor Audio but cant find anybody who delivers to Croatia. Even on Ebay or Amazon, or from authorized dealers. Why nobody wants to deliver speakers. If packaged well I see no reason.

The only thing I left is Apex which I can purchased in my city, 500 meters from me :grin: . But now I'm closer to the RADIUS or RXFX. I do not want my satellite speakers to be the most expensive one of all my speakers. Should not be reversed?


New member
Oct 31, 2013
I found someone in Italy who delivered in Croatia.

Options are therefore the following:

1. RXFX for 450 GBP.

2. Apex A10 for 450 GBP (I can buy them in Croatia).

3. New Radius R90HD for 350 GBP plus wall bracket for about 20-30 GBP.



New member
Dec 10, 2012
Personally I would go for the RXFX simply because the drivers are identical to your front speakers. Considering the size of the bass/mid drivers, the speakers are more flush to the wall than the Radius or Apex designs. They also offer switchable di-pole / bi-pole settings to suit movies (greater dispersion) or music (more direct focussed sound).

Having said that they wouldn't suit my room due to the placement of windows, so the Radius all-round suits me better.


New member
Oct 31, 2013
Here is the pictures of my living room.

First picture is left wall from my couch. Second and third is my right wall. Drawn rectangle shows where the RX FX should be. What you think? The right wall is a problem? The left side of the speaker would be only 5 inches from the rear wall.

Do they suit my room or i have the same problem as you?


New member
Dec 10, 2012
Hmmm, that's a tricky one. The first photo (on your left wall as viewed from your seating position) looks like a great spot for the RXFX speakers, but Im not so sure about the right wall. As it's got a recess, I'm just concerned that the aim of the RXFX speakers, to disperse the sound more widely, might actually generate lots of echos and a 'boxy' sound.

You might actually be better off with the Radius or Apex speakers which should direct the sound more into the room away from the alcove.

I have a similar situation to you with an alcove on the left side of my seating position. I have the Radius speakers on stands at the rear because I'm able to place them in a more symetrical place (each side from the seating position) further into the room.

Hope this helps.


New member
Oct 31, 2013
I've just found where to buy RX FX for 270 GBP. This is a great price, but I'm also concerned about what you've written.
I had already decided to buy them, but after what you wrote I do not know any more.

To buy or not to buy, that is the question :)


New member
Oct 31, 2013
I just receive e-mail from Monitor Audio technical services department.
"Unfortunately with the RX FX’s, as you thought being so close to the wall this would cause some reflections/ ‘boxyness’ with the sound."
Looking at your room your best option would be the R90’s, their great sounding speakers and have recently been updated with the new Radius series having just come out, you would also be able to angle them accordingly with your room unlike the FX’s.

But I also receive some advice from people who owns RX FX.

1. Given the distance and space I would go for the RXFX for yout rears. I do not see the right wall being too much of an issue and no worse than a monopole speaker anyway.

2. Personally I would definitely go with the RXFX, I didn't have any issues with the RXFX being close to the rear wall, I can't imagine its ideal but it didn't generate lots of echos. Surround effects are generally meant to be atmospheric so it is no where near as important to have them perfectly positioned.
I think the RXFX are great speakers and look good wall mounted, I am also a massive fan of having matching speakers all around.


New member
Oct 31, 2013
I no that is my choice. Unfortunately there is no such possibility. I need to buy them in another country, because in my country authorized dealers is no longer avaiable or at least somebody who sell MA speakers.

That's why I ask so many questions because once I buy them there is no return.

I just hope that if I make a mistake it will not be quite as noticeable and that RXFX will not be so horrible to listen?


New member
Dec 10, 2012
Regarding this comment you received,

"2. Personally I would definitely go with the RXFX, I didn't have any issues with the RXFX being close to the rear wall, I can't imagine its ideal but it didn't generate lots of echos."

I think this is missing the point. It's not so much the proximity to the wall behind your sofa that's the issue, it's the fact the the speaker is situated in an alcove with a small protrusion in the wall in front IN ADDITION to being close to the rear wall. This is the aural equivalent of putting a mirror infront of you and behind you - it's just asking for echos bouncing backwards and forwards. A more directional speaker such as the Radius or Apex will direct its sound AWAY from the alcove, reducing any boxy effect to the sound (rear ports notwithstanding).

I'm not a technical expert, I'm just using common sense on this one, but if the Monitor Audio techies happen to agree, I'd go with their advice. But ultimately it's your money and your choice! Let us know once you've got things set up and how it works.


New member
Oct 31, 2013
In the end I bought the RX FX.

I put them on the wall as I had planned. So the left speaker is about 25 cm away from the rear wall and about 145 cm from the floor. I do not hear any echo or bouncing at all. I tested the speaker at several places before I put it on the wall, but I did not notice any difference.

I tested it with a variety of music (mainly rock) and a variety of films and sound is excellent. And also RX FX looks beautiful on the wall.

Thank good I listened to myself :) Just kidding. Thank you all for your help, especially Leeps.


New member
Jan 14, 2013
Can you really get a pair of A10's for £450??? They are sold individually for £300 normally (they don't come as a pair) but the radius do come as a pair


New member
Oct 31, 2013
£450 is the price for Apex 10 which have been used for about half a year. I was able to buy them from a friend.

Price for a new is as you said £600 pair.


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