MF M3i with Dynaudio Focus 260?


New member
Oct 21, 2008
I 've heard the Naim XS 2 on Dynaudio Focus 260 and it sounds very good (music rock, metal, pop). But here in the Netherlands expensive. The MF M3i are cheaper, but good enough?
I am using M3i with Focus 110, very satisified with the result. It is actully the combination that Dynaudio Asia(China) used when I walked into their store for demo. The official dealer has faith with this amp to present their speaks definitly says something.

I have no experince with Naim, but before I made the purchase I did compare M3i with NAD C375bee on Focus 110. While both amp are good, but overall M3i offers more detail, whereas C375 has a warmer sound. If you prefered warmer sound, you can also try to demo C375 before making the decision.
Hi peterpan,

Sorry to crash the post, but did i see you had a Luxman 505f at one time but found it a bit bright with Rock ?

I'm coming off the back of a Cyrus System (Cyrus 8VS2 & Cyrus 6Ds with B&W 685 speakers). Its a

good sound but i want something that I can listen for a long while, the Cyrus used to tire me out !

I have sold the Cyrus components and am looking for an amp with tone controls this time around,

the Luxman 505f and Yamaha AS-2000 are what I setteled on, have auditioned the Yamaha and its very good,

cant audition the luxman and would be grateful for any insight you might have.




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