Metrum Octave DAC without filtering recommended by Hi-Fi Choice


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Nov 12, 2009
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The Metrum Octave DAC without filtering is recommended by Hi-Fi Choice, July edition. The square waves are really square, without a lot of ringing. It would fit nicely with my shoebox system. What are you waiting for? is the conclusion.



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Nov 12, 2009
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They used active ATC SCM 150 speakers and B&W 802 for the listening. 729 pounds but the mag claim 10 times the price the for the sound.


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Nov 12, 2009
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Nope, single test only. I like the idea of a filter free DAC, perhaps pair it with a Cyrus 6a? If the waveforms aren't distorted even digital music might be enjoyable?


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Aug 21, 2009
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Now that is one very interesting, possibly even giant killing Dac.....will be intrigued to hear the view of anyone who listens to it.


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Feb 8, 2008
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NHL said:
The Metrum Octave DAC without filtering is recommended by Hi-Fi Choice, July edition. The square waves are really square, without a lot of ringing. It would fit nicely with my shoebox system. What are you waiting for? is the conclusion.




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Feb 8, 2008
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NHL said:
They used active ATC SCM 150 speakers and B&W 802 for the listening. 729 pounds but the mag claim 10 times the price the for the sound.

Did they say what DACs were bested by this 'giant killer'? Many people make this type of claim, but never actually name names or provide evidence to back up said claims.


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Overdose said:
NHL said:
They used active ATC SCM 150 speakers and B&W 802 for the listening. 729 pounds but the mag claim 10 times the price the for the sound.

Did they say what DACs were bested by this 'giant killer'? Many people make this type of claim, but never actually name names or provide evidence to back up said claims.

A quick search on Google shows that HFC is not alone with this view.


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Aug 21, 2009
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Overdose said:
Yes, but no names named there either (no doubt), or was this not my view you were refering to?

I'm referring to reviews like this:
and this:

and comments like this (post No.2):

alchemist 1

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Mar 28, 2012
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NHL said:
The Metrum Octave DAC without filtering is recommended by Hi-Fi Choice, July edition. The square waves are really square, without a lot of ringing. It would fit nicely with my shoebox system. What are you waiting for? is the conclusion.


My question is how can a wave be square ? :?


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Jan 8, 2011
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I was going to order one of these last year, but got put off by the policy of paying first upfront and waiting 8 weeks for a product I couldn't hear first or return.

The word is that for best results, you need to use a computer to upsample the audio and use a hi-end USB converter to feed the SDPIF input. So if you were really after hi-end sound you'd need to budget for that, probably would cost more than the dac itself. Otherwise it's just another dac.

Also, upsampling=filtering so don't get too hung up on "filter less"!

I'd say, give it a listen, you might like it or you might not.


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paradiziac said:
I was going to order one of these last year, but got put off by the policy of paying first upfront and waiting 8 weeks for a product I couldn't hear first or return.

The word is that for best results, you need to use a computer to upsample the audio and use a hi-end USB converter to feed the SDPIF input. So if you were really after hi-end sound you'd need to budget for that, probably would cost more than the dac itself. Otherwise it's just another dac.

Also, upsampling=filtering so don't get too hung up on "filter less"!

I'd say, give it a listen, you might like it or you might not.

Nothing's perfect, I suppose. :cry:


Heard one in my system a few weeks back, very nice DAC indeed. The transport/streamer will need to be excellent otherwise being a NOS DAC the Metrum will show every flaw.

Our shared review is here:


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Feb 8, 2008
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CnoEvil said:
Overdose said:
Yes, but no names named there either (no doubt), or was this not my view you were refering to?

I'm referring to reviews like this: and this: and comments like this (post No.2):

Hmm, they do indeed mention some names, the whole floweryness of the reviews stopped me from getting to the end of some of it. All very 'high end'.

In fact, the reviews, if they are to be taken seriously, seem to say far more about 'high end' equipment, than of the DAC under scrutiny and the comparison of this DAC to so many others at differing price points could leave some to believe that there is not a lot to separate many DACs in the first place, so the term 'giant killer' would mean rather less in this instance.


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IanS1 said:
Heard one in my system a few weeks back, very nice DAC indeed. The transport/streamer will need to be excellent otherwise being a NOS DAC the Metrum will show every flaw.

Our shared review is here:

Cheers for that, a better read than the mag reviews!


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Mar 11, 2011
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Overdose said:
NHL said:
They used active ATC SCM 150 speakers and B&W 802 for the listening. 729 pounds but the mag claim 10 times the price the for the sound.

Did they say what DACs were bested by this 'giant killer'? Many people make this type of claim, but never actually name names or provide evidence to back up said claims.

no names are necessary as some 99% of DACs (by my rough guess) are oversampling/ upsampling. you just can't get clean impulse response from such DACs. there'll always be pre- and/ or post-ringing digital artefacts from a up-/ oversampling DAC.


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Jul 2, 2012
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I bought the Octave a few months ago and am extremely happy with it. Almost exactly 30 years ago the first CD players hit the market and I just had to have one. They where very expensive for that time but I was so feed up with the fragility of records that I was willing to try this out. I first purchased a Yamaha player because it was ONLY $700. I was so excited to try it out but the excitement so turned to disapointment. Nothing sounded right! The music sounded synthesized. The sound that really drove me crazy was the cymbals. They sounded so fake I just couldn't stand it. 3 days latter the Yamaha went back in the box and back to the store. Sony had a player that was $1500 (stupid money for those days) but I tried it anyway and it was much much better. The cymbals still did not sound perfect but at least they where livable and did not distract my attention from the rest of the music. Players got better and better over the years and I was very happy with my Marantz CD5001 over the past several years. In the mean time, I have completely forgot about the cymbal issue, being quit satisfied (or adjusted to) the sound.

Fast forward to a couple of months ago when I received my brand new Metrum Octave after much research. Still, I was bracing myself for a quick sale on eBay it this didn't turn out to be any better then the dac in my HK990. I got the metrum and plugged it in, the first thing I thought was "wow, I never knew cymbals could sound so good". Of course my mind immediately went back to my first CD player and the difficulty of digital to reproduce this instrument to my satisfaction. The second thing I noticed was thet the acoustic steel guitar strings just sounded so good, so real, so authentic. With all that said, I believe that many people will simply not notice a difference. I have always been very picky about my sound but could also be satisfied with 'close enouph'. Its just nice to see close enouph get even closer and thats what I think the octave gives me.


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CnoEvil said:
shooter said:
CnoEvil said:
Now that is one very interesting, possibly even giant killing Dac.....

The guy i bought my Adam's from dumped a Weiss DAC202 and a Perfectwave for the Metrum :eek:

Blimey....David slays Goliath!

Quite possibly, not sure if it was a case of sounding better, fitting into the system nicely or the price to sound quality was very good compared to the 202 and Perfectwave.

He didn't like the 202 at all, saying it is hugely overrated (i never heard it) , i heard the Perfectwave and wasn't impressed, thought it to be quite clinical in presentation but that could be down the the rest of the system which from memory was either a Rotel or Arcam power amp and Vivid Audio V1.5. He did have a Pure Sound L300 in the room but is wasn't rigged up which is a shame it may of changed the presentation, its a monster pre as well, just massive.

I think the Metrum is worth consideration for anyone looking at DAC's who doesn't need USB input or balanced outs.


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