maxflinn:plastic penguin:maxflinn:
posts = time spent on the couch pp ..i take no notice either but gel keeps reminding me
aint no commitment involved
who,s the guy in the pic ???
Max, Max...the guy in the pic is Baldrick. His catchphrase was: "I have cunning plan..."
Time on the couch? I wish I was that lucky...for me it's fitting the forum in around other things. Since starting back at work my"Things to do" have multiplied (or it feels that way...)
ah baldrick , er ok , ill google later ...
fair play to you pp youve got back out there and got a different job , and good luck to you too
i have no qualifications apart from paving , and have always been my own boss , so its not easy , there are very few jobs around these parts .. anyways , its a beautiful day , and the f1 qualifying is about to start
Baldrick is from Blackadder, the comedy written by Richard Curtis and Ben Elton. It Stars Rowen Atkinson, Tony (I have a cunning plan) Robinson.
I have no qualifications of any note. Before leaving school I wanted to be an aircraft designer/engineer, so, of course, I became a sales person...