Matching speakers for sansui AU-515


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Hi All;

I hope someone can help find matching speakers for my old Sansui AU-515. I used to enjoy it with Altec 9 speakers but the paper cones have long crumbled on them,so I need to find replacements.

The trouble is that I am not able to try things out -- I need to buy speakers here and hope they will work well.

We mostly listen to classical music. I understand that this is not exactly a well defined question but I am prepared to take some risk.

The budget ~ $1K .

Any advice will be appreciated.
Hi Muhamedaga - first up, you won't need to spend £1k on speakers for the amp. Guaranteed. Sansui and Mission would be a good partnership and the new range looks like company might be on a return to form. The 79-series might also be good (one of the other guys on here also has a pair and really rates them).


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