Matching centre speaker


New member
Oct 31, 2008
My main stereo pair for serious music listening consists of Linn Keilidhs, and I have a Boston 525v centre speaker, which does integrate well, but I'm now looking to upgrade. The obvious choice, I guess, would be a Linn Trikan, but it's quite pricey and would be slightly wide for my set-up. Someone was recommending a Focale - either the cc700 or cc800 - which look interesting. My local Audio-T has offered a lend of one, but does anyone know if this would be a good match in theory, or have other suggestions?
You've probably checked already, but I'd take a look on Ebay if the new price of the Linn is a bit too much. ÿThere's one there at the moment! ÿIt really is important to use a matching set for the front three speakers.


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