Matching a system to your music tastes


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Aug 10, 2019
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I am in the process of piecing together a new system from scratch with the intention of focusing around digital media of the highest quality and a DACmagic. As for the speaker and amp pairing I have been tempted by the current pricing of the Cyrus 6vs2 and the highly rated B & W 685's - basically trying to achieve as much bang for buck I can get. With this set up in mind I'm not sure if this will be a suitable partnership for the type of music which it will be playing - something which will need to be comfortable playing large soundtages found in all forms of post and progressive metal; something loud with many intricate layers.

Can anyone help me to understand the types of qualities that I need to look for when pairing my equipment to compliment my music tastes - I think I need something with a controlled bass response and nothing which will prove to be too bright at the top end and will be good at placing all the instruments around the soundstage.

Does anyone have experiences of matching their equipment around a certain few music genres and have any tales of wisdom or indeed, woe?!

Replies greatly appreciated...


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Jun 2, 2008
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I love Reggae, Ska, Two-Tone, Jazz, Big-Band, classical (motets and Baroque concertos and sacred), and all sorts of pop and 'pop nostalgia' from the early 1950s to the day-before-yesterday. I listen a lot to spoken voice radio programmes, radio drama etc.

I am light on heavy metal and virtually weightless on 'concept' or 'progressive'. (One caravan LP) but have music in other genres that demands the ability to translate complexity and weight (think 'Dub Factor' by Black Uhuru for instance).

For this reason I have always been leary of the idea of hifi that is 'tailored' for a particular genre.

My system should be able to play Hildegaard of Bingen's 'Feather on the breath of God' followed by George Thoroughgood & the Destroyer's 'One Bourbon, one Scotch, one Beer' followed by 'The Archers' then a DVD like 'The Bank Job' all with equal alacrity

I believe any really good, balanced system should be able to bring you satisfaction in any chosen genre.


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Aug 22, 2008
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Hmmm, interesting post. First off, I think you can expect a number of Cyrus non-believers steering you away from the 6vs2 given your "nothing too bright at the top end" preference. Cyrus owners may well argue the point but in any case, choose an 8vs2 over the 6; far more poke and bargains to be had now the new range has come out. Mine is awesome and I like everything from metal to jazz. Never tried it with the Dacmagic though. A Cyrus amp will need a warmish speaker to compliment it - PMC or Spendor could be the way to go by all accounts. Not heard too much about B&W paired with Cyrus but would be interested to hear.....


If you want layered/progressive/loud then Nightwish, Dream Theater and Epica sound great through my DACMagic and 685s via Apple Lossless, but I've got a Marantz PM6002 so I can't really comment about the amp. Great detail and clarity - really really can't complain at all. go have a listen


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I am a big prog rock fan with a fair bit of metal. My previous set up was a an Arcam CD62, Rega Mira and B&W DM302 with Kimber interconnects and speaker cable. It certainly worked for me in terms of clarity and a good, solid bass. A decent rack and speaker stands, spiked, stands filled and very solid helped to further firm up and deepen the bass. I would definitely buget for a rack and stands.