peterpan said:
Which Maratnz amp would be better? cdp is Marantz cd 6004. Can find nothing about the pm 7004. Not popular?
I've always found budget Marantz and RS6s to be slightly disjointed. First bought the RS6s back in 2007 and I've tested most of the popular brands, and here's my recommendations:
Avoid: Marantz budget, Cambridge budget stuff, Rotel, Naim, Musical Fidelity*, Primare and Cyrus.
Try: Arcam, Creek, Roksan, Audio Analogue, Midrange Marantz, Leema**
*Only heard MF A300 and sounded pretty nondescript: warm, woolly bass and not very open. However, this may not be a truely representitive of MF amps overall.
**Sounds great with the right source and room acoustics.