Hi ESP2009
Your welcome.
The RCD965BX was the star
whereas the Discrete/LE versions were - well let's just say if it ain't broke than don't fix it.
All the best
Rick @ Musicraft
cannot remember what the differences were between the RCD 965BX and the heavily modified limited edition RCD 9658X, but at the time I bought, I was advised to get the latter ...
Rotel's main website which also has the old cd players has no info at all on this player.
As for the saying, 'If it ain't broke, don't fix it' .... it is sometimes valid, but a recent example which contradicts this statement would be the Tom Evans modded amps (Pioneer A-300R Precision) .... totally different class to the unmodified versions (by far)
Getting back to the original question .... If I were to buy a Rotel RCD 965BX or the Marantz CD63 MKII K1 signature, it would difficult to advise unless you compare side by side on a system ... I think matthewpiano has done this and prefers the Marantz ...
however, many who own the Marantz complain that it is too bright for their systems, so needs careful partnering .... I have also read that some people who own valve amps say that the Marantz is an excellent partner