As to other alternatives, been racking the brain cells on and off during the day, and vague memories around the Philips kit of the mid-late 90s sprang to mind. Philips CD600 series was rather good AFAIR...CD610 and the 615, 650 too I think. There was also the 900 series players, but that's a mistier memory in fairness.
back to Cambridge and a search on a highly vague "classic CD players" threw up the CD6, which apparently Mike Creek (he of, yes, Matsui...okay, okay, Creek fame, if you will) had something to do with. Nice looking player; features a rather plain CA design, the kind of thing that makes NAD kit look like they're into cutting edge design plated balanced XLR outputs to the rear though, optical outs, etc...
As the boys in Motorhead might say, lemmy have a look around and see what else crops up.
EDIT: One that really comes back at me is the Teac VRDS range - built like a tanks, superb kit from memory...I think the VRDS 10 was - along with the VRDS T1 transport - the best of the bunch. £600 a decade back, you might need to lash out a couple of hundred or so on it, maybe a little more for a mint example, but very desirable IMO. Worth shortlisting I think.