MA RXFX surround speakers


New member
Aug 10, 2019
about to purchase the RXFX surround to replace my AE evo bookshelf speakers, which i have to set up and take down after each movie as the wifey does not like them on the wall!!!! and i think she wont mind the RXFX as a permanent feature, can anyone reccomend a discrete cable, as these will have to be tacked round the room for now.
Hi, I've just bought a pair of these and I'm just using QED Micro at present but I'm thinking about giving something else a try, maybe QED Silver Anniversary XT Evo.
what are the speakers like???? just been looking at the qed micro, cant really go for a bigger cable than that at present, is the sound ok though????
They sound great, I have them mounted on my rear wall directly behind my seating position and about 5 feet apart and 2 feet above my head height when sitting. They are heavy so need to be fixed well to the wall! Watched District 9 last night ( on Sky HD so only DD) but will watch a couple of Blu Rays today and see what they are like with HD sound......can't wait!
thats good to know, thx, mine will be at side of sofa, cant get them behind so i presume will have to run them in di-pole mode
I guess you can experiment with the bi/di pole settings and see which works. Let me know how you get on with them.....what other kit are you gonna be using them with?
for now i have yam rvx-1400 receiver, gonna be updating very soon, to either a yam 3900 or pioneer lx 72

AE evo 3's i think?? floorstanders which will be soon changing to rx6

New sub coming this week, veering towards MA gsw12(can get good deal £650)
The rx6 are getting some good reviews plus i like the look of the gloss black ones i'm just bearing all in mind cos i'm hoping to build(i'm a builder) a cinema room on side of house next year (6m x 5m), Then i can really have some fun 7.2/9.2 set up!!! our lounge even though quite big is long and narrow with bloody windows and patio doors so tv and speaker placement are not ideal at present, and i want projector and there's no way for that at the mo! so gonna upgrade a few bits now before get room built, then i just have to add few more surrounds and another sub.
grdunn123:I guess you can experiment with the bi/di pole settings and see which works. Let me know how you get on with them.....what other kit are you gonna be using them with?

bipole for me

Either side 2 ft above head.


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