plastic penguin:
APatel8:It is really slippery slope this - I do keep changing my mind to be honest as I keep reading different reviews and being influenced. These responses have done a lot to help me too 😛
Look at it this way: phone up any of the big retailers and ask them what is the best amp for Monitor Audio. I will guarantee you they will say Arcam.
I've tested so many amps over the past year and a half, including Roksan kandy LIII, Cyrus 8VS2, Primare I21, Naim Nait 5i, Rotel RA06 to mention but a few. All are better amps in themselves, Roksan, Cyrus and Naim are blistering. None of them could gel as well with the Monitor Audios like the Arcam.
You're probably right mate - that's the majority impression I get aswell, but it's just the looks factor that annoyingly deters me from going down that route, unless it were to be a Diva 85 (see my post above)..
APatel8:It is really slippery slope this - I do keep changing my mind to be honest as I keep reading different reviews and being influenced. These responses have done a lot to help me too 😛
Look at it this way: phone up any of the big retailers and ask them what is the best amp for Monitor Audio. I will guarantee you they will say Arcam.
I've tested so many amps over the past year and a half, including Roksan kandy LIII, Cyrus 8VS2, Primare I21, Naim Nait 5i, Rotel RA06 to mention but a few. All are better amps in themselves, Roksan, Cyrus and Naim are blistering. None of them could gel as well with the Monitor Audios like the Arcam.
You're probably right mate - that's the majority impression I get aswell, but it's just the looks factor that annoyingly deters me from going down that route, unless it were to be a Diva 85 (see my post above)..