r.e. the Arcams, I was really considering the Alpha Integrated 10 but it just looks absolutely awful - like a cheap set top box as I described in one post.
However, the A85 looks A LOT better and like a proper amplifier, however I was left to believe that the Alpha 10 would smoke it when paired with the Monitor Audio RS8s - again that's just something I read, but please correct me if that's completely wrong?
Synergy wise, from everything I've read (and it's a lot), it seems that the consensus is that the quite lively Monitor Audio RS8s go well with the following amplifiers: Arcam, Primare and Musical Fidelity.
Others that have been ruled out now are:
Rotel: Generally people say it doesn't go well with the RS8s and doesn't do a good job of controlling the bass and at low volumes - after hearing the Rotel trying to control a pair of MAGS20's I was put off)
Creek: Difficult to find and haven't found many that have paired it with MA RS8s - amp doesn't have tone or bass control either - that bothers me.
Marantz/NAD: - Differing opinions on both but not a fan of them looks-wise, and aren't they budget amplifiers?
Cambridge Audio: - Again, synergy wise read that they are quite bright sounding and the RS8s need something more refined to control them. Also, is it bad that I don't even want to consider them just because of the awful name?
Will wait to hear your opinions on the A85/Alpha 10 and will add the A85 to the Primare and MF options and TRY not to change 🙂