MA RS6 speakers


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Advice please: I have an old Marantz amp SR-47 (RMS 40Watts pc at 8 ohm, DIN 8 ohm-42W, DIN 4 ohm - 53W). CD player=Marantz CD (a basic model). I have bought Sennheiser HD 650 headphones (top of the range). With the headphones the sound is very much better than with my very simple speakers (Jensen Challenger 1000). Interest= classical music Now I have been spending the last few weeks researching how to upgrade my system. The outcome of all my research is that I give up and don't know what to buy!! Terrible, but maybe it is the corrcet decision for now. HOWEVER, regarding new speakers.... I thought if I am getting very much better quality sound with my headphones, then why not go ahead and buy the good quality speakers NOW and enjoy them at the level of quality that is obviously restricted by their input (at least it might sound as good as through the headphones). So, if the forum thinks that this is not a bad tempoaray compromise, I was thinking of buying the MA RS6 speakers (6 ohm speakers). Any comments, advice ? P.S. I sure do appreciate this forum--- I've got so much help already in understanding the Hi Fi scene.


I am trying to write in paragraphs but the line spaces disappear when it appears on the forum. Sorry.


Well-known member
Jan 10, 2008
Hi Allon. to get paragraphs, type in the "less than" symbol, then lower case "p" (without the inverted commas) then the greater than symbol...

With regards to the upgrade, I would try and take your kit to a local dealer to listen to a few different pairs of speakers. It may be that you don't have to spend that much (i.e. the RS6's) to get a noticeably better sound. Maybe trying something like BR2s will make a cost-effective difference...

As an aside, I always find that headphones give more detail, but at the expense of realism (i.e. having the performers in your head, rather than in front of you).


Thanks for those answers.

what do you think about my idea of buying the MA RS6 now (even though they are better quality than I need for my present system) and upgrading my amp & CDP in the future? (they really need upgrading at some stage- but I do not want to make these decisions at the present).


[quote user="Gerrardasnails"]The RS6s are very accurate so if you are not sure of your amp and cdp, they might emphasise this even more. I love mine though.[/quote]

If I do decide to buy the MA RS6 speakers, which amps & CDP's would go well with it, especially for classical music?


New member
Feb 3, 2008
I auditioned mine with the Cyrus kit. Sounded great, but I should point out it wasn't classical music i auditioned with. Advantage to Cyrus is the flexible upgrade paths.


Well-known member
Sep 6, 2007
My amp is the Creek Evo. I don't listen to classical but this amp picks up instruments and sounds on my cds that I wasn't aware of before. I can't see why it wouldn't work with classical music - Andrew will know far more than me. As for cdp, the only reason I didn't get the matching Evo cdp is that it doesn't play mp3 - if that doesn't bother you, it would be a good match. I think I'm the only person I've read on this forum that has matched MA RS6 and Creek - they go very well together - maybe an Essex thing!


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