busb said:
davedotco said:
matt49 said:
The_Lhc said:
davedotco said:
Perhaps I read too much into things but your quote-
"There are a lot more music lovers enjoying music on cheapo earphones - do they like music less than us who are vastly outnumbered by them? I think not."
-implies, to me at least, that those choosing to use better quality equipment are somehow misguided, we don't apparantly enjoy the music any more so why are we bothering? Reading that line again, in isolation, I guess I could be wrong but to me the whole tone of your posts tends to convey that message.
In isolation I certainly don't get that message, it simply appears to say that there's more people listen on "poor" equipment than there are those of us that don't. That seems pretty obvious when you look at the sales figures. It doesn't appear to suggest that either group are in the wrong for their choice of listening equipment.
I think the misunderstanding of the passage in bold arises from a slippage between "enjoy" and "like". The first statement concerning "cheapo headphones" is, as Lhc says, unexceptionable. The second statement is also fine by me, so long as the verb "like" isn't confused with the verb "enjoy" in the first statement. In other words, I take Busb to be saying not that music is just as enjoyable through cheapo headphones as through better ones, but that people who use cheapo headphones may have an equally strong preference ("like") for music in general as people who use expensive kit. This doesn't of course exclude the possibility that better quality kit provides more enjoyment.
Language eh, causes more disagreements than even religion or politics....... :hand:
I agree that in isolation that sentence can be taken in different ways, even saying so in my post (not quoted by Lhc), but 'in context' I thought it quite disparaging to those who choose to spend on better equipment.
It is this lack 'of empathy' for another persons interests that I find quite discouraging, you do not have to share those interests but to be so dismissive of them on a public forum that is supposedly about such interests is disappointing.
Dave, if any of us search hard enough we will find "offence" even in the way a total stranger crosses the road in front of us. If I state that I like the colour blue, does that imply I dislike red? No it doesn't - it means I like blue! You seem to take a contrary view at times because you can rather than through conviction. Why would someone who's spent £1000s on equipment then proceed to take a dim view on people doing so?
It's got jack to do with empathy or lack off - I simply point out that most people don't spend even modest amounts on equipment but enjoy music. That's does not imply that I'm a twit or anyone else here is for spending lots of money to enjoy music more. Many people given the oportunity to listen to a great system may ideed aspire to own a decent setup themselves. My use of word "cheapo" was me being very polite - most free in-ear phones sound objectionable to the extent that even Dr Dre[adfuls] sound good by comparison.
When I read forum posts that feel a little "edgy", I try to work out if I'm being over-sensitive or not - quite often its me rather than the intent of the poster to be offensive.
Most of us on this forum are pretty lucky & content to some degree. I dare suggest that few here have trouble feeding themselves or are being chased by utility companies. Although there will be some exceptions, we live reasonably priviledged lives. Every time I go into Reading, I see beggars - they remind me that I'm much better off than many & that I should not waste my money on toys I'm not going to use. I'm not the loan voice on this thread suggesting that to buy (mostly male) toys that go under-used is if not contemptable, is certainly conspicuous consumption.
I really did not have to 'search hard' to find disparaging comments in your threads, your comments about the chap buying the expensive dac, the person buying an expensive instrument that he cant play are just two of the most obvious examples, and then describing one of them, as you do in the above thread, as 'toys i'm not going to use' really does say it all.
Who are you to say what people should or should not do in pursuit of their hobby? Are you some sort of a control freak, or even worse, a socialist?
I just don't see why you or others on this board should get away with such comments as this without being challenged.
If that is taking a 'contrary view' then fine, guilty as charged.
Edit. If you are going to edit your posts after posting you should say so, common courtesy. My reply was to your original, not the 'watered down' version.